Monday, May 23, 2016

A Dream from God

Did you know that God can put a dream in you while you are asleep? And when you have awaken, you will never be the same again. You first receive the vision. Then you receive the “Rush.” The “Rush” is what I call a “data transfer.” This spiritual transferal of information can come in multiple streams of downloads all at the same time. If you try to explain this to others, your speech would be unintelligible about what God is communicating to you. This is because; now is not the time to try to communicate your vision to anyone. It is only the time for you to receive this announcing and revealing of your life changing assignment which is now in progress. This releasing of Divine revelation is only meant for you - until the time for you to make known your discovery and revealing from God. Be patient. Soon you will speak. The understanding of your life’s purpose is launching into an awareness you never thought were possible. But there you are! The sleeper has awaken! Your very consciousness is in full alert status with a knowledge and appreciation of the impact you are about to make on countless lives. Your reaction from this point on is motivated by the foreseeable consequence of lives that will be blessed by those you encounter. All of your life’s issues are being pushed aside, because you know God is in full control. At last, you’ve become inspired and motivated with your new found ambition to stay focused on God’s calling - and for you to become what God created you to be. Even your faith is compelled by the sheer thrust of you realizing your qualification and your surprising ability to carry out God’s plan for your life. Doubt is no longer a complaint or a precondition. Now the first three words of Romans 8:28 are clear with full appreciation and discernment when Paul said: “And we know - that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” No longer do we hope. Now we know. And to think, this all started with a dream - which you now know is a vision. Dreams are important. God often speaks to us in dreams. Children love to dream because they can explore the full range of their minds. Remember, Christ said: “If you want to get to heaven, you got to become as one of the little ones.” Open your mind to this dream from God. However - be ready for change. He can and will take you places you never dreamed of.

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