Friday, January 27, 2012


Caminando por la vida siempre hay esos días en que las decisiones tienen que ser tomadas, en que las elecciones son difíciles, las soluciones no se muestran y parece que las lluvias atrasan tu marcha. Existen algunas situaciones donde todo lo que puedes hacer es simplemente dejar que sucedan, y proseguir reuniendo fuerzas, buscando otras direcciones que puedan llevarte hacia una nueva aurora. Es hora de empacar tus problemas y dar un paso al frente. Un proceso de cambio muchas veces es duro, pero piensa en la alegría que puede ser encontrada más adelante si eres lo suficientemente valiente. Pueden existir aventuras que nunca imaginaste esperándote en la próxima curva. Deseos y sueños pueden estar muy cerca de la realización en formas que aún no logras entender. Es posible que encuentres nuevas amistades que harán brotar nuevos intereses en cuanto salgas de esa inercia. Podrás aprender que la vida ofrece muchas opciones y muchas formas de crecimiento. Tal vez vayas a conocer lugares que nunca imaginaste que existieran y veas cosas que nunca viste. Tal vez viajes para maravillosos y distantes mundos, tomando promisorios atajos por el camino. Puede ser que encuentres calor, afecto y cariño, tal vez un "alguien especial" estará allá para ayudar a equilibrarte, oyendo con interés las historias y los sentimientos que quieres compartir. Es posible que te confortes al percibir que hay amigos que pueden apoyarte en todo lo que haces. Cree que, sea cual fuera tu decisión, ellos podrán ser la elección correcta para ti. De modo que ve dando un paso cada vez, viviendo la vida un día cada vez. ¡Hay una estrella más brillante allá en lo alto del camino! No veas hacia atrás. ¡Tu no estás yendo en esa dirección!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dios no se olvida de Ti

Dios no se olvida de Ti... Sientes que tu clamor no ha sido escuchado y que ya es demasiado tarde para remediar la situacion que ahora enfrentas; has orado...y nada; la respuesta no viene y las esperanzas estan totalmente perdidas. Pero una vez mas, Dios te recuerda que a lo largo de tu vida, es El quien te ha venido abriendo caminos donde tu creias que ya no habian posibilidades; y que asi como lo hizo en el pasado, tambien lo puede hacer actualmente, no porque lo merezcas sino por Su pura misericordia. Dios es capaz de mover circunstancias naturales o personales, aunque en este momento no entiendas el porque suceden; es capaz de hacer cambios radicales y favorables que te permitan avanzar en contra de toda especulacion. Es Dios quien te abre caminos donde no los hay. Todo lo que esta sucediendo hoy es para que aprendas de depender de Dios, aunque las esperanzas ya esten totalmente perdidas, aunque ya haya pasado el plazo en que todo podia haberse solucionado; mientras tanto no reniegues, no temas ante lo que pueda venirte, pues al final comprenderas que todo es para tu bien. Ignora las voces de todos aquellos que quieren desmotivarte, que quieren matar tu fe, que te aseguran hoy que todo esta perdido, que ya no hay nada mas que hacer. Pon en las manos de Dios todas las areas de tu vida, pues lo que pongas en sus manos no se echara a perder sino todo lo contrario; no seras victima de las circunstancias adversas porque su presencia continua estara velando y obrando a tu favor. Nada te sucedera por casualidad, no sera casualidad que diversas circunstancias y personas se te presenten en el momento oportuno; Dios tiene su forma peculiar de actuar y tiene tambien su propio tiempo, su propio calendario; el poder de Dios es capaz de operar transformaciones profundas aun mas alla de tu logica. Asi es, aunque todo amenace acabar contigo, no sera asi; tu situacion cambiara para bien aunque ahora no vislumbres ninguna perspectiva; nunca es tarde para Dios, aunque tu veas que se demora por algun tiempo; no te desesperes, ni desilusiones, ni temas, pues lo que esperas llegara a ti. Confiesalo que asi sera, pero es necesario que tu fe y tu paciencia maduren. Todo esto fortalecera tu fe y la fe de los que te rodean; sera motivo para que los que no creen, crean; sera motivo para que la gloria y el poder de Dios se manifiesten de manera obvia. Es en ese momento en que el poder de Dios se magnificara. Descansa en las promesas que Dios tiene para ti, enlas que te tiene para tu vida presente y para tu vidafutura.Espera. Dios no se ha desatendido de ti... Dios te bendiga!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Volleyball removed from dolphin's stomach in China

Doctors in China managed to remove a toy volleyball from a dolphin, which had been swallowed by the mammal while playing. A medical team operated on the stomach of five-year-old Jiang Bo in Nanjing in east China's Jiangsu Province, after a long-armed basketball player who volunteered to help, failed to reach it. According to officials, the procedure on the dolphin at the No. 2 Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University lasted three hours, with the animal sedated. Jiang Bo, imported from Japan to Nanjing Underwater World, swallowed the ball on Wednesday. The obstruction placed the aquatic mammal's life at risk, but medical staff were reluctant to cut open the animal to reach it, concerned about how the wound would heal. Doctors managed to drill a hole in the ball and tried to pull it out after attaching a length of cord. But just when this seemed likely to succeed, the cord broke. Undaunted, the veterinary team tried again, this time using medical steel wire, and finally managed to yank out the ball. The procedure had been expected to take less than 30 minutes, but in the event lasted three hours. "We can say that Jiang Bo's life is no longer at risk," the Shanghai Daily quoted an official with the aquarium, surnamed Meng as saying. "But of course he will require long-term recovery treatment. "We'll give him post-operation care and adjust his diet," the official said Jiang Bo was returned to the aquarium later. Before turning to doctors, the aquarium had made an appeal for people with long arms to reach down into the dolphin's stomach to retrieve the ball. This strategy has been used successfully in similar incidents elsewhere. Meng Da, a professional basketball player with a Jiangsu Province club, rushed to the aquarium on Wednesday, but his efforts were in vain. Although 1.95-meters tall, Meng could not quite reach the ball. 2.26-meter tall Zhang Mengyong, the tallest man in the province, was on standby to make an attempt, should the doctors have failed. Staff saw him drag the ball deep down into the pool, but when he resurfaced, it was gone.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Support for US anti-piracy laws wane

WASHINGTON - A day after blackout online protests against US' anti-piracy laws, key American lawmakers Thursday withdrew their support to the controversial legislations for punitive actions against websites selling counterfeit goods or violating intellectual property rights. The withdrawal of the support is likely to quash any chance that the bills would pass in their current form. Two of the bill's co-sponsors, Marco Rubio from Florida and Roy Blunt from Missouri, are among those who backed out. This comes a day after some websites shut down in protest against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill, a piece of proposed legislation that is working its way through Congress. A Senate committee approved a similar bill in May called the Protect IP Act (PIPA), which is now pending before the full Senate. Both bills focus on responding to online piracy, specifically illegal copies of films and other media. The bills would also outlaw sites from containing information about how to access blocked sites. But the Wednesday protest may have changed the minds of lawmakers. "We can find a solution that will protect lawful content. But this bill is flawed that's why I'm withdrawing my support," Republican Senenator Roy Blunt wrote on his official Twitter page. x Republican Senator Rubio also reversed his position. "I have decided to withdraw my support for the Protect IP Act. I encourage Senator Reid to abandon his plan to rush the bill to the floor," Rubio wrote on a Facebook post. Rep Lee Terry (R-Neb.), an original co-sponsor of SOPA, said: "Thank you for your concern about SOPA. I have asked to have my name removed from the bill. However, the economic impact of IP theft is real and a solution is needed." Wikipedia, one of the websites that shut down on Wednesday, returned Thursday with the message: "Thank you for protecting Wikipedia. We're not done yet."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Passwords Could Soon Be Obsolete

Technology is constantly narrowing the gap between science fiction and reality, bringing fundamental changes into our lives. According to IBM researchers, in five years we won't need passwords, won't be bothered by junk mail and will be able to control many of our machines with our minds. The American technology company released its 6th annual Five-in-Five, a list of five innovations the firm expects to see within five years. One of them will enable us to generate small amounts of energy to supplement the electric power we use in our homes. "You can do micro-electronic generation," says Bernie Meyerson, vice president of Innovation at IBM. "For instance, you can have somebody in the third world who has access to a phone or a smart phone, but doesn't have access to a power grid, which is a very common thing and literally in a shoe has something that recovers energy from walking and can charge the battery to enable that person to actually become connected with the rest of the world." Another innovation will make those hard-to-remember passwords obsolete. Soon, in order to access our e-mail or bank account, we'll use a technology known as biometrics. A tiny sensor could confirm your identity by recognizing the unique patterns in the retina of your eye. "Imagine that things recognize you," Meyerson says. "You walk up to an ATM. It takes one look at you and says, "Yep, you're you."" Within five years, it's possible we'll no longer be inundated with junk mail, because a new electronic device will delete it before we ever see it. "That device, as you act upon it, as you eliminate mail, you don't read it, you just look at it and kill it," Meyerson says, "after a while it learns your habits and works as your assistant by eliminating stuff you never wanted anyway." IBM also sees us controlling many of our electronic devices telepathically. "A simple ability to command a system to do something without actually doing or saying anything, literally thinking and having something happen, as a result, that's accurate," Meyerson says. "Something with deep capability so that a person, for instance, who is paraplegic or quadriplegic, can actually utilize brain waves to make things happen and basically run their own lives independently." The fifth innovation on IBM's list is the elimination of the so-called "digital divide," between those who are and aren't connected. "We anticipate that, in five years, better than 80 percent of coverage of the world populations by cellular phones and smart phones," Meyerson says. "At this point, imagine having, for instance, the ability to speak openly with anybody anywhere, anytime and in any language, real-time translation - literally the old Star Trek idea of a universal translator coming to be." IBM's track record of predictions over the past five years has been mixed. Some predictions are still not reality. In 2006, for example, IBM researchers predicted there would be a 3D Internet by now. However, in 2009, they predicted city buildings would "sense and respond" like living organisms. Three years later, that future is here. At a New York art museum, sensors are detecting subtle fluctuations in temperature, humidity, air flow and light levels, and adjusting the building's environment to help preserve the works of art. What's important about the Five-in-Five list, says IBM's Meyerson, is it encourages the researchers to turn as much of their innovative imagination as possible into practical realities.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Music may help brain-damaged patients relearn how to walk and talk

Music-based therapy may play a role in helping brain-damaged patients heal as songs can help create new speech pathways in the brain that evade damaged regions, researchers say. But scientists are still in anticipation of solid data to prove what seems to work in case study after case study. "It used to be thought that music was a superfluous thing, and no one understood why it developed from an evolutionary standpoint," Discover News quoted Michael De Georgia, director of the Center for Music and Medicine at Case Western Reserve University's University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland as saying. "In the last 10 years, we've just started to understand how broad and diffuse the effect of music is on all parts of the brain. "We are just starting to understand how powerful music can be. We don't know what the limits are." During the post-World War II era, physical therapists observed that Big Band music helped wounded veterans get up and learn to walk again, according to Lee Anna Rasar, a musical therapist at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Since then, researchers have recognized a consistent pattern. When given a rhythm to walk to, people with Parkinson's disease, strokes and other forms of neurological damage are able to regain a symmetrical stride and a sense of balance. Each beat acts as an auditory cue that the brain uses to anticipate timing and regulate footfalls. Scientists are still working out the details of how this kind of therapy works. But one likely explanation is that music is represented in many areas of the brain, while just two brain regions process language. Music also tends to dig deeper, more well-worn pathways between neurons. Through music, then, patients can reach into their stored knowledge about words and use songs to create new connections for speech. Catherine Wan, a neurologist at Harvard Medical School asserted that the theory makes a lot of sense, but studies are only just starting to back it up. In a recent study with six autistic children who could not talk at all, Wan and colleagues found that music-based therapy helped all of them in articulating words and phrases in a better manner. Some of the kids aged 5 to 9 years old said their first words after just eight weeks of music-based therapy, Wan said, and that was after years of other kinds of treatments. "As much as we would like to say that music is a powerful medium, I think it's important for people to test it rigorously to try to really tease out what are the components that are contributing to the effects," Wan said. "Is it because they are seeing a therapist five times a day or it's a new therapy so they're more motivated or is the therapy itself that is important?" she added.