Wednesday, July 29, 2015

8 Things Your Mouth Reveals About Your Health

1. What your dentist is seeing: Or in this case, smelling. You've got funky breath. What it could mean: The most likely causes of less-than-minty-fresh breath are poor oral hygiene or gum disease, but halitosis can also signal a sinus infection, especially if your dentist still notices the odor when you exhale through your nose, says Mark Wolff, DDS, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Cardiology and Comprehensive Care at New York University College of Dentistry. It can also be caused by acid reflux -- a study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found a strong association between gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms and bad breath -- or sleep apnea, says Ruchi Sahota, DDS, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association, because people with sleep apnea are more likely to breath through their mouths at night, which can lead to dry mouth (another cause of bad breath). Next steps: If your dentist decides that the problem isn't subpar brushing or gum disease, they'll likely refer you to your primary care physician to find the underlying cause. 2. What your dentist is seeing: Your gums bleed during the flossing, just like they do at home. What it could mean: When you get back on the flossing bandwagon after falling off and notice some bleeding for the first few days, that's normal, Sahota says. What's not normal is gums continuing to bleed every time you floss. "It could be an indicator that you're pre-diabetic, diabetic and don't know it or, if you've already been diagnosed with diabetes, your blood sugar isn't under control," she says. Though it's not exactly clear why diabetes and gum disease are linked (or whether there's a causal effect to the relationship), the American Academy of Periodontology says that diabetics may be more likely to develop the disease because the condition makes them more susceptible to infection. Next steps: If you know you have diabetes and your gums keep bleeding, talk to your primary care doc about how to manage the condition better. And if your dentist is the first one to suspect diabetes, he or she will recommend you get a blood sugar test. 3. What your dentist is seeing: White patches on your tongue or inner cheek. What it could mean: You may have a less-than-stellar immune system. Oral thrush (an overgrowth of the candida fungus, or yeast, in the mouth) can lead to creamy white patches on your tongue or inner cheeks, and it can signal an immune system that's not up to snuff. (We all have some candida in our mouths, but it's kept in check in healthy immune systems). People are much more likely to develop thrush if they're undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer or have serious immunosuppression, such as HIV, but a dip in immunity due to a cold, a course of antibiotics or using corticosteroids for conditions like asthma can make someone more vulnerable too. Next steps: An antifungal medication can help clear away the patches. 4. What your dentist is seeing: Worn-down teeth. What it could mean: You're more stressed than you realize. Stress can manifest as teeth grinding, wearing down teeth. "In really bad cases, people will flatten them out," says Wolff. Your personality type may predispose you to grinding, too. A 2010 study in the Journal of Research in Personality found that people who rated higher on the neuroticism scale were also more likely to report that they grinded their teeth. Research in the International Journal of Oral Science in 2014 reported that sustained jaw clenching (another characteristic of bruxism, or teeth grinding) can lead to severe damage of the tissue in the joint that connects your jaw to the rest of your skull. Next steps: Your dentist can fit you for a bite-protecting device like an acrylic mouth guard to wear at night to minimize the damage. 5. What your dentist is seeing: Squeaky-clean teeth but inflamed gums. What it could mean: It's rare (Wolff has only picked up on it once during his 34 years in practice), but it's possible for certain types of acute myeloid leukemia to spread to the gums and cause bleeding, swelling and inflammation. "What would tip us off is if the gums are bright red and bleed upon touch, but the teeth themselves are immaculately clean with very little plaque," Wolff says. That combined with weakness and weight loss merits a trip to your primary care physician for evaluation. Next steps: If you meet these criteria, schedule an appointment with your PCP to get it checked out. 6. What your dentist is seeing: Your dental X-rays look a little off. What it could mean: The bones of the jaw aren't immune to the effects of osteoporosis, and on an X-ray, they may take on the appearance of ground glass, says Wolff. Osteoporosis also puts you at increased risk of tooth loss. Women with the condition had an average of 3.3 fewer teeth than women without it, noted a study in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Next steps: Ask your doctor about getting a bone-density test. If it shows you have or are at risk for osteoporosis, you can discuss medications and other ways to slow the progression. 7. What your dentist is seeing: Your mouth is really, really dry. What it could mean: Medications like antihistamines can dry out your mouth, but an extremely dry mouth (as in, you couldn't swallow a cracker without water) is a hallmark symptom of Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune condition in which moisture-producing glands in the body come under fire from white blood cells. It's most commonly diagnosed in people over 40, and 9 out of 10 Sjögren's patients are women. "It gets parched in there," says Wolff, who'll ask patients with dry mouth whether they're taking any medications that list dry mouth as a side effect and whether they're also experiencing dry eyes (another Sjögren's symptom). The lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay. Next steps: If he suspects Sjögren's, Wolff refers patients straight to a rheumatologist for testing. 8. What your dentist is seeing: Lesions at the very back of your mouth. What it could mean: You could have oral cancer, which isn't exactly common, but it's also not rare. The American Cancer Society estimates that 45,780 new cases of oral cavity or pharynx cancer will be diagnosed in 2015, just over half the number of expected skin cancer cases. Cancers at the base of the tongue and tonsils (called oropharyngeal cancers) are most commonly caused by the human papillomavirus infection (HPV). Although the lesions can pop up anywhere in the mouth, they're most likely to develop under the tongue around the base and near your esophagus, says Judith Haber, PhD, principal investigator of the Teaching Oral-Systemic Health (TOSH) program at NYU College of Nursing. Oral cavity and oropharyngeal tumors are twice as likely to develop in men as in women, and the American Cancer Society reports a recent uptick in cases of oropharyngeal cancers linked to HPV. Next steps: If your dentist notices these lesions, they may ask you about your sexual activity to assess whether you could have contracted HPV, as oral sex is one of the main reasons people get oral HPV, says Haber. They may then refer you to your doctor or an oncologist for testing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5 Wondrous Ways Running Improves Your Health

1. Better Knees Think running wears out your knees? Think again. One recent study found that it may actually help prevent knee osteoarthritis, a condition that affects roughly 9.2 million adults; another discovered that road warriors were up to 18 percent less likely than walkers to develop the condition, in part because running may increase the thickness of knee cartilage. 2. Less Stress When it comes to the mood-boosting effects of running, science suggests you can get more than just an endorphin high. According to a lab study in The Journal of Neuroscience, running may reduce anxiety by triggering neurons that mute your response to stress. 3. Lower Breast Cancer Risk A 2013 study of more than 70,000 women revealed that those who walked at least seven hours per week were 14 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than their more sedentary counterparts. The most active women, who worked out vigorously (running or swimming) for at least six hours a week, slashed their risk by 25 percent. 4. Sharper Mind Good news: You don't have to slog away for a long time to reap impressive benefits. One small study found that people who engaged in light activity -- like walking on a treadmill for an hour -- three times a week saw gains in memory after just three months, suggesting that short-term fitness may slow age-related cognitive decline. 5. Longer Life In a 2014 study of more than 55,000 people, those who ran daily -- even for just five to ten minutes -- lived, on average, three years longer than those who didn't run. Worth noting: Runners who logged longer workouts didn't significantly decrease their risk of death from heart disease more than those who ran less. Who doesn't have five minutes? Get going!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

7 Very Important Reasons To Take A Nap Right Now

1. It'll increase your patience happy napping Feeling frustrated? According to researchers at the University of Michigan, who published a study recently in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, you should probably take a nap. Participants were asked to complete a particularly frustrating task -- drawing geometric designs on a computer screen. Those who took an hour-long nap before the exercise were able to draw for 90 seconds, compared to a control group who watched a nature documentary instead of napping. They gave up after 48 seconds. 2. You'll be more alert napping Whether you're on a long drive or trying to get through a difficult task at work, napping is a great way to increase alertness if you're feeling foggy. A NASA study found that after napping for forty minutes pilots were more alert, and a smaller study found that after just ten minutes participants felt more alert. 3. Just thinking about taking a nap can lower your blood pressure stretching While an actual nap is certainly beneficial, so is the time before you take one. One British study found that participants' blood pressure dropped before they even fell asleep -- just anticipating the nap they were about to take was enough. 4. It helps you remember more people sleeping A study conducted by researchers in Germany found that taking an hourlong nap can dramatically improve our ability to remember information. For the study, participants were asked to remember specific words and pairs. Then, half the participants watched a DVD while the other half napped. When asked about their memory of the words, the nap group performed five times as well as the DVD group. 5. It can improve creativity drawing If you haven't been feeling too imaginative lately, it's probably time to hit the hay. A study conducted by psychiatrist Sara Mednick out of the University of California, San Diego, found that people who take REM naps -- the deep sleep state where you're dreaming -- were more creative when it came to problem solving than non-REM nappers. 6. Regular naps may prevent heart disease sleeping One study of 23,000 Greek adults found that people who took midday naps -- a.k.a. "siestas" -- were over thirty percent less likely to die of heart disease, according to The Washington Post. "Napping may help deal with the stress of daily living," Michael Twery of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute said, according to the Washington Post. "Another possibility is that it is part of the normal biological rhythm of daily living. The biological clock that drives sleep and wakefulness has two cycles each day, and one of them dips usually in the early afternoon. It's possible that not engaging in napping for some people might disrupt these processes." 7. Taking a ten minute rest is beneficial, too napping Don't think you can actually fall asleep? It may not matter all that much. A 2007 study, which took a look at the effects of napping versus resting, found that simply lying down for ten minutes improved mood regardless of whether or not the person fell asleep.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

7 Ways To Hand Wash Your Dishes FAST

1. Switch to a soap with the right ingredients. Look for antibacterial soaps with lactic acid, which provides antibacterial benefits and gets the job done fast. Soaps with lauramine oxide, like Mrs. Meyer's and Method, have grease-cutting power, says Kerr. 2. Use a sanitizing rinse. Dipping dishes in a sanitizing rinse will mimic part of the process they go through in a dishwasher, and it'll provide peace of mind that your dishes are clean, even if you don't scrub them for hours. After washing, dip your plates in one gallon of water with one teaspoon to one tablespoon of bleach. Reynolds says you can also use this solution to clean your dish sponge and your sink in a jiffy. dip dishes in water 3. Be patient. Let dishes soak. It's tempting to start scrubbing caked-on food right away, but do yourself a favor and let pans soak in a sink of warm, sudsy water first. "Those couple minutes of soaking time are going to go a long way in making things a lot easier to clean," says Kerr. It'll loosen food particles and save your hands from sponge-induced fatigue. For pots with burn marks on the bottom, soak in salt and cold water overnight, then boil the water to remove grime. 4. And while you're waiting, go get a serious sponge. Kerr swears by the Dobie Pad sponge. "It's covered in a plastic netting that allows you to scrub like a Brillo but it doesn't cause any scratching," she says. Lysol's scrub sponges are also a strong, scrub-worthy alternative to the average dish sponge, for a comparable price. 5. Use cold water to un-stick dairy and starches. Rinsing ice cream or butter off a plate with hot water can cause it to gum up, Martha Stewart explains on her blog. Take her advice, and get these foods off with a cold rinse before continuing to wash the dish in warm water. 6. And make baking soda your grease-dissolving best friend. Coat a sticky, greasy pan with one tablespoon of baking soda, and cover the bottom with water. Heat it up a bit, then scrub the gunk off in mere seconds. 7. Don't stack dirty dishes in your sink. It's a small tweak, to be sure, but have your guests or roommates leave their dishes on the counter next to the sink, not inside it. Remember: You need to leave your sink open so that you can actually wash those dishes. Unstacking and re-stacking is going to make washing your dishes take longer, and ain't nobody got time for that.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

20 Meditation Tips For Beginners

1. Begin With Quick 5-Minute Sessions It's easy for beginners to get overwhelmed when trying to sustain a 20-minute-meditation. That can feel brutal in the beginning. Start out nice and easy. Begin with 5-minute sessions, and when you're ready for more, move it up to 10 minutes. 2. Stretch or Do Yoga First By stretching or doing yoga before you start meditating, you'll prepare your body to sit in one position for a long time. Yoga and meditation go hand in hand. Even just rolling your neck and stretching your back beforehand can help you stay comfortable for longer. 3. Try Out a Guided Meditation For a fun experience and to have someone guide you through your meditation, try out a guided meditation. You can find free guided meditations available on YouTube and other platforms. You might find it easier when you follow someone else's instructions. 4. Set Your Timer When you set a timer for your meditation, you don't have to keep checking the clock. This removes a big distraction from your practice. Moreover, you won't be sitting in meditation all day because you've forgotten to see how much time has elapsed. Set your timer so you can relax and enjoy your experience. 5. Remove Distractions Turn off your cell phone, put it on vibrate, or leave it in the other room. You want to be in a space without distractions. I find that the best place to meditate is in my room with the door closed. 6. Don't Try Too Hard Meditation at its best is soothing, relaxing, and effortless. It's merely observation; observing your breathing with your conscious awareness. So there is no real effort involved, just being consciously aware. So don't work too hard at it. 7. Create a Daily Practice or Ritual By meditating every day at the same time or within the same daily routine, you develop a habit that becomes easier to practice every day. If you don't build meditation into your daily routine, you'll find yourself forgetting to do it. 8. Get Relaxed Beforehand You want to wear comfortable, loose clothing and be in a relaxing environment. Make sure your room is comfortable. Before you start, take a few deliberate deep breaths and stretch any part of your body that feels tense or achy. 9. Try Out Different Types of Meditation There are dozens of techniques to meditate, such as Zen meditation, chanting meditations, mantras, and so on. Try out different types to see which one feels right for you. 10. Read "The Power of Now" This epic book by Eckhart Tolle sheds new light on what it really means to be present. And meditation is simply the practice of being present. To me personally, "The Power of Now" is like the bible of true meditation and mindfulness. 11. Let Go of Expectations Don't expect enlightenment. Meditation is about noticing and observing your own sensations, thoughts, and feelings. By just allowing your experience of meditation to unfold in any way that it does, you'll get the best experience. 12. Stay Nonjudgmental By simply noticing things as they are -- without judging them -- you are being mindful. When you notice your mind labelling, commenting, and making opinions about things, you're judging. And that's okay when you judge too. Just notice that, and let it go. 13. Have Fun with Your Practice Allow yourself to really enjoy your meditation session. View your repetitive or silly thoughts with humor. Laugh at your "monkey mind" as it keeps churning. Have fun with it! 14. Your Mind Will Quiet Itself Don't try to force your mind to stop thinking; that'll create distress. It will stop thinking all on its own when you practice your technique, whether it's observing your breathing or repeating a mantra. 15. Your Mind Will Wander It's okay when your mind wanders, that's just what minds do! Just notice that your mind has wandered, and gently -- with compassion -- return your attention to your technique (observing your breathing). Don't beat yourself up, it's normal. 16. Find a Comfortable Posture There are no rules that you have to sit in the lotus position. As long as I'm not feeling sleepy, I prefer to lay down. Find a position that works well for you, whether it's sitting on a chair, cushion, or bench. 17. Your Eyes Can Be Open Or Closed Do what feels right for you. If you keep your eyes open, you might see visual distractions. If you close your eyes, it may feel forced and unnatural while you're awake. So do what works for you. 18. Get Up Slowly After you finish your practice, take your time getting up. Don't rush off to the rest of your day, as you want to stay mindful and bring your meditative state into the rest of your day's activities. 19. Meditate With Others Whether it's with friends, family members, your partner, a coach, or an organization, by meditating in a group it'll help you stay committed to the practice. Moreover, you can share your experiences afterwards. You might be surprised to hear how different their experience was. 20. Observe the Feeling Within Your Body Notice how you feel internally, within your body. What sensations are there in your legs? Do you feel your toes and calves? Notice your diaphragm moving as you breath. This will keep you connected to your body.

Friday, July 3, 2015

11 Things You Didn't Know About Ernest Hemingway

1. Hemingway apparently once lived, got drunk and slept with a bear. ernest hemingway Former New Yorker staff writer Lillian Ross had a long profile of Hemingway published in 1950. During a section of the story where she's at a bar with Hemingway, talking about bears at the Bronx zoo, Ross includes an aside about how the writer gets along well with animals, writing, "In Montana, once, he lived with a bear, and the bear slept with him, got drunk with him, and was a close friend." As this fact simultaneously seems insane and doesn't readily appear elsewhere, it's unclear whether Ross' aside was an exclusive for her interview or if the story is more of a legend. 2. F. Scott Fitzgerald once had Hemingway look at his penis to judge if it was adequate. hemingway fitzgerald In Hemingway's A Moveable Feast -- a collection of stories about his time in Paris as an expat during the 1920s -- there's a long interaction with the Great Gatsby author, F. Scott Fitzgerald. In this exchange, according to Hemingway, Fitzgerald confesses that his wife, Zelda, said that his penis is too small or exactly, "She said it was a matter of measurements." Hemingway tells Fitzgerald to follow him to the men's room and then says, "'You're perfectly fine,' I said. 'You are OK. There's nothing wrong with you." He continued reassuring Fitzgerald, "You look at yourself from above and you look foreshortened. Go over to the Louvre and look at the people in the statues and then go home and look at yourself in the mirror in profile.'" 3. Hemingway once said that he can't think of any better way to spend money than on champagne. ernest hemingway Image: Getty In the New Yorker profile from 1950, Hemingway gets frustrated at the group he's having lunch with for thinking they can leave the table before all of the champagne is finished. "'The half bottle of champagne is the enemy of man,'" Hemingway said. We all sat down again," writes Ross in the New Yorker. Hemingway is then quoted while pouring more champagne as saying, “If I have any money, I can’t think of any better way of spending money than on champagne." 4. The KGB secretly recruited Hemingway to be their spy, and he accepted. ernest hemingway According to a 2009 story in The Guardian, Hemingway went by the code name "Argo," while somewhat working for the KGB. The article talks about the publication of Yale University Press' Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America, which claims that Hemingway was listed as a KGB operative in America during Stalin-era Moscow. According to the documents obtained by the book, Hemingway was recruited in 1941 and was fully willing to help, but never actually provided any useful information. It's unclear if that's because Hemingway was doing this all as a lark, or if he just wasn't that good of a spy. "The name's Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway," is a lot of syllables. 5. While in his later years, the FBI conducted surveillance on Hemingway. ernest hemingway Hemingway biographer and personal friend of the author for 14 years, A.E. Hotchner, wrote a New York Times opinion piece in 2011, claiming that Hemingway spent his last days incredibly paranoid that the FBI was following him and that this paranoia ended up being justified. “It’s the worst hell. The goddamnedest hell. They’ve bugged everything. That’s why we’re using Duke’s car. Mine’s bugged. Everything’s bugged. Can’t use the phone. Mail intercepted,” Hotchner quotes Hemingway as telling him shortly after the author's 60th birthday. Hotchner remembered thinking Hemingway was losing it as the author went on and on about how his phones were being tapped and his mail intercepted. Hotchner was then shocked when the FBI released its Hemingway file due to a Freedom of Information petition, where they admitted Hemingway was put on the surveillance list in the 1940s by J. Edgar Hoover. "Over the following years, agents filed reports on him and tapped his phones," Hotchner wrote. According to Hotchner, he's had to find a way to reconcile his memories of Hemingway losing it in his final years -- which partially led to extensive electroshock therapy -- with the author actually being right. 6. Hemingway felt it "would be very dangerous" for someone to not attend multiple fights a year. ernest hemingway In that same New Yorker profile from 1950, Ross writes about what happened when she suggested what Hemingway thought was a lackluster fight: Hemingway gave me a long, reproachful look. "Daughter, you’ve got to learn that a bad fight is worse than no fight," he said. We would all go to a fight when he got back from Europe, he said, because it was absolutely necessary to go to several good fights a year. "If you quit going for too long a time, then you never go near them," he said. "That would be very dangerous." He was interrupted by a brief fit of coughing. "Finally," he concluded, "you end up in one room and won’t move." 7. James Joyce would get in bar fights and then have Hemingway beat the person up. joyce hemingway Kenneth Schuyler Lynn has a quote in his book, Hemingway, from the novelist about Hemingway and James Joyce's hangouts together. "We would go out for a drink," Hemingway told a reporter for Time magazine in the midfifties, "and Joyce would fall into a fight. He couldn't even see the man so he'd say: 'Deal with him, Hemingway! Deal with him!'" 8. According to Hemingway, his eyelids were particularly thin, causing him to always wake at daybreak. ernest hemingway This also comes from the New Yorker profile, where Ross wrote, "He always wakes at daybreak, he explained, because his eyelids are especially thin and his eyes especially sensitive to light." Hemingway is then quoted as saying, "I have seen all the sunrises there have been in my life, and that’s half a hundred years." Hemingway continues, "I wake up in the morning and my mind starts making sentences, and I have to get rid of them fast -- talk them or write them down." 9. His daily word count was tracked on a slab of cardboard on his wall. ernest hemingway American journalist George Plimpton interviewed Hemingway in a Madrid café during May, 1954. In his piece, Plimton writes: He keeps track of his daily progress -- "so as not to kid myself" -- on a large chart made out of the side of a cardboard packing case and set up against the wall under the nose of a mounted gazelle head. The numbers on the chart showing the daily output of words differ from 450, 575, 462, 1250, back to 512, the higher figures on days Hemingway puts in extra work so he won’t feel guilty spending the following day fishing on the Gulf Stream. 10. The ending of A Farewell to Arms was rewritten 39 times. ernest hemingway Also in the Madrid café in 1954, Plimpton got a quote from Hemingway about rewriting the ending to one of his most famous works. Plimpton asked how much rewriting Hemingway does, to which the novelist responded, "It depends. I rewrote the ending to A Farewell to Arms, the last page of it, 39 times before I was satisfied." The interviewer wondered, "Was there some technical problem there? What was it that had stumped you?" Hemingway responded, "Getting the words right." 11. This is how Hemingway said he wanted to spend his older days ... ernest hemingway From the New Yorker profile, here is an extended description by Hemingway of how he would have ideally spent his older days: "What I want to be when I am old is a wise old man who won’t bore," he said, then paused while the waiter set a plate of asparagus and an artichoke before him and poured the Tavel. Hemingway tasted the wine and gave the waiter a nod. "I’d like to see all the new fighters, horses, ballets, bike riders, dames, bullfighters, painters, airplanes, sons of bitches, café characters, big international whores, restaurants, years of wine, newsreels, and never have to write a line about any of it," he said. "I’d like to write lots of letters to my friends and get back letters. Would like to be able to make love good until I was eighty-five, the way Clemenceau could. And what I would like to be is not Bernie Baruch. I wouldn’t sit on park benches, although I might go around the park once in a while to feed the pigeons, and also I wouldn’t have any long beard, so there could be an old man didn’t look like Shaw." He stopped and ran the back of his hand along his beard, and looked around the room reflectively. "Have never met Mr. Shaw," he said. "Never been to Niagara Falls, either. Anyway, I would take up harness racing. You aren’t up near the top at that until you’re over seventy-five. Then I could get me a good young ball club, maybe, like Mr. Mack. Only I wouldn’t signal with a program—so as to break the pattern. Haven’t figured out yet what I would signal with. And when that’s over, I’ll make the prettiest corpse since Pretty Boy Floyd. Only suckers worry about saving their souls. Who the hell should care about saving his soul when it is a man’s duty to lose it intelligently, the way you would sell a position you were defending, if you could not hold it, as expensively as possible, trying to make it the most expensive position that was ever sold. It isn’t hard to die." He opened his mouth and laughed, at first soundlessly and then loudly. "No more worries," he said. With his fingers, he picked up a long spear of asparagus and looked at it without enthusiasm. "It takes a pretty good man to make any sense when he’s dying," he said.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

11 Things People With A Fear Of Flying Are Sick Of Hearing

1. “The chances of an accident are one in a million!” rose ellen dix animated GIF If we had a dollar for every time... 2. "Just take deep breaths." No, because then we might throw up. And if we throw up, you will NOT be happy. Trust us. 3. “Why don't you take a sleeping pill?" Because then we wouldn't be awake when the plane lands. NO WAY ARE WE DOING THAT. 4. “You don’t need a sleeping pill. Just have a glass of wine!” emma watson animated GIF Did you say only ONE glass of wine? 5. “Flying is safer than driving a car.” Oh, is a car SUSPENDED 35,000 FEET IN THE AIR?! Didn’t think so. 6. “Turbulence is normal!” seinfeld animated GIF Tell us about the last time you bumped around in a tiny, winged box on a cloud. 7. “Don’t worry, the most dangerous part is the takeoff.” …and the landing. And the flying. And the shooting through the air at unthinkable speeds. You're right, it’s no big deal. 8. “Just talk with me. I’ll distract you!” testing Thanks, but we’d rather just sit here and try to survive. 9. “What’s the part that you’re afraid of?” reaction animated GIF Everything. 10. “Take a sip of water." …do deep sips of vodka count? 11. “It’s gonna be okay.” We understand, but we do NOT feel okay right now.