Friday, November 11, 2011

Having sex with animals ups risk of penile cancer

Men who have sex with animals are twice as likely to develop cancer of the penis, a new study has found. A team of urologists from centres around Brazil looked at risk factors for penile cancer in men and conducted a study on 492 men ranging in age from 18 to 80 years old. They found that men who had sex with animals during their lifetimes were twice as likely to develop cancer of the penis as others. Those who had engaged in bestiality also reported a higher incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and of 492 volunteers, 118 were oenile cancer patients. Stjnio de Cassio Zequi, the lead author of the study said that if a man has sex with an animal it could produce micro-traumas in the human penile tissue. "The genital mucus membranes of animals could have different characteristics from human genitalia, and the animals' secretions are probably different from human fluids," the Daily Mail quoted him as saying. "Perhaps animal tissues are less soft than ours, and non-human secretions would be toxic for us," he added.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

La Tecnología 'Apendeja ... o!

Estar en el año 2011 implica que ... 1. Accidentalmente tecleas tu password en el microondas. 2. Ya no has jugado solitario con cartas verdaderas en años. 3. No tienes una pinche idea ni del teléfono de tu casa. Antes de memoria lo sabíamos todos. 4. Le envías un e-mail al que se sienta junto a ti. 5. La razón que tienes para no estar en contacto con tu familia es por que ellos no tienen correo electrónico. 6. Se te pierde un momento tu vieja en el super y le llamas al celular (y ella está en el siguiente pasillo). 7. Cada comercial de la televisión tiene su página de Internet en la parte de abajo. 9. Salir sin celular, el cual no habías tenido hasta hace unos 15 años, te hace entrar en pánico y regresar por el. Pierdes primero los calzones que el celular. 10. Te levantas en la mañana y te conectas antes de tomar tu café o ver si tus hijos y esposa amanecieron vivos. 11. Ya no cuentas chistes... ahora le das REENVIAR . 12. Estas volteando alrededor para que nadie te vea que estas sonriendo como estupido enfrente de tu PC. 12. Te sientes contento por cuidar a unos inches puerquitos y gallinitas en la granja cuando en la vida real se han muerto todas las mascotas que has tenido y te sientes orgulloso de hacer un castillo en un lugar que ni existe y para acabarla de chingar en la vida real pagas renta. 13. Peor que eso, ya sabes, perfectamente, a quien le vas a enviar este correo. 14. Estas tan idiotizado leyendo que no te fijaste que faltó el numero 8 y se repitió el numero 12 en esta lista. Que pendejo.... 15. Y ahora regresaste para ver efectivamente que no esta el numero 8. Más Pendejo..... 16. Y ahora te estas riendo de ti mismo. ¿porque será? (por pendejo... o, quizá, porque es 'saludable' reírse de uno mismo de cuando en cuando). 17. Y no digas que no!!! ... hazle pasar un momento divertido a tus amigos. 18. Y Para colmo de males no has quitado la mano del mouse Lo dicho!! La pendejez no respeta profesiones, verdad?... AGARRA PAREJO..........(NO ME DIGAS QUE NO) SI TODAVÍA TE ESTAS RIENDO SALUD .... y .... nota... que a mi tambien me cojieron con esto, por eso se los reenvio para no ser el único, jejejeej!!!!! tómalo por el lado amable mmm... quien sabe... a lo mejor sirve de algo!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Old Dog

An old German Shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old German Shepherd thinks, "Oh, oh! I'm in deep shit now!" Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the panther is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious panther! I wonder, if there are any more around here?" Hearing this, the young panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. "Whew!," says the panther, "That was close! That old German Shepherd nearly had me!" Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the panther. So, off he goes. The squirrel soon catches up with the panther, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the panther. The young panther is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!" Now, the old German Shepherd sees the panther coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?," but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old German Shepherd says... "Where's that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another panther!" Moral of this story... Don't mess with the old dogs... Age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery! Bull Shit and brilliance only come with age and experience.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

trayectoria de rodolfo aicardi

La voz que puso a bailar a Colombia y al mundo en los años 70 y 80, pero que también los puso a 'sufrir' a los enamorados con sus baladas melodramáticas, Rodolfo Aicardi, falleció el 24 de octubre en su casa de Medellín. El cantante estrella de Los Hispanos en la época dorada de esta agrupación popularizó el género tropical con tal estilo que le valió el apelativo de 'El Insuperable'. Nacido en Magangué, Bolívar, el 23 de mayo de 1946. Muy joven mostró su vena artística y tras varios intentos fallidos por hallar eco en alguna disquera, sólo en 1968 el Sexteto Miramar apreció su voz y conoció el éxito, el primero de más de 300 discos: Que Quiere esa Música Esta Noche. Marco Tulio Aicardi Rivera, su nombre de pila, tomó de un hermano medio el nombre artístico de Rodolfo. Nombre con el cual lo llamarían a reemplazar a Gustavo 'El Loco' Quintero, quien dejaba Los Hispanos (Codiscos) para formar Los Graduados. Inició su vida artística interpretando baladas en el Club del Clan, cuando lo dirigían Guillermo Hinestroza y Luís Betancur Tolosa. Luego hizo su debut para el mundo del acetato con el Sexteto Miramar, grupo que en 1965 se formó con el apoyo de las directivas de Discos Fuentes y que después acompañó esta gran voz, la cual demostró toda su potencialidad cuando impuso su primer tema, el bolero-balada Qué quiere esa música esta noche, su primera grabación. Para ese entonces recibía clases de canto del maestro Pietro Masqueronni. En 1975 fue el baladista de moda en Puerto Rico y Nueva York y fue su tema Sufrir el que dio inició a la conquista del mercado internacional cuando lo impuso en Venezuela, Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Después, se definió por la música tropical. Reemplazó a Gustavo «el Loco» Quintero en Los Hispanos, quien se retiró para integrarse a Los Graduados, agrupación. Rodolfo Aicardi, con su primer tema en compañía de Los Hispanos, mostró la gran versatilidad de su voz. El tema bailable Así empezaron papá y mamá lideró la sintonía y los ubicó como el binomio más vendedor de la historia fonográfica. Los Hispanos firmaron luego con Discos Fuentes, compañía para la cual grababa Rodolfo, y por sugerencia de don Antonio Fuentes pasó a ser la voz líder del nuevo grupo. Fue cuando empezó la época de éxitos como Así Empezaron Papá y Mamá, El Papelito Blanco y Adonay, a los que les ponía mucha alegría, sin olvidar el género de la balada popular, a la que le imprimía su dosis de sentimiento, logrando 'hits' internacionales como Sufrir, Volver, El Eco de tu Adiós, Naila y La Pena de mi Viejo, entre otros. Sin embargo, el éxito de la música tropical lo llevó de Los Hispanos a integrar otros grupos como Los Ídolos, Los Bestiales, La Típica RA7 y el Concierto Hispano, desde 1995 a la fecha y grabó también con Sonolux y Discos Dago. En su fructífera carrera artística recibió quince Discos de Oro que le han sido otorgados y sus más de 75 producciones discográficas. Con su música ha trascendido las fronteras colombianas llevando su talento a través del mundo a países como Italia, Bélgica, Estados Unidos, México, Francia y casi toda Centroamérica, entre muchos otros. Su música y talento, además, han llegado a otros países. De hecho, Rodolfo Aicardi, con alegría, recordaba que en su momento realizó conciertos en casi todos los países de Europa y América. Se destaca el gran éxito que obtuvo en 1980 y 1981, cuando figuró en Europa con el tema Colegiala (14 Cañonazos Bailables Vol. 20, 1980), del cual vendió mas de 500.000 copias en sólo Francia. También ha contado con el acompañamiento de agrupaciones muy destacadas como La Típica RA7, Los Bestiales, La Sonora Dinamita y Los Líricos, dejando en todas sus grabaciones, su estilo inconfundible. Sin embargo, su más grande éxito de tiempos recientes se grabó en 1980 y apareció en los 14 Cañonazos de ese año, así como también en la edición 2004 de la serie; éste tema es Cariñito. En Medellín, también fue el disco de fin de año en el 2005 su versión de La Tirana, original de Darío Gómez. Finalmente Rodolfo se retiró de la música debido a serios quebrantos de salud, como diabetes e insuficiencia renal, teniendo que someterse a delicados tratamientos médicos y llegando a requerir incluso, el trasplante de los dos riñones y el páncreas. En su larga y exitosa carrera, realizó giras artísticas a Italia, Bélgica, Surinam, Centroamérica y los Estados Unidos. De él, uno de los recuerdos más bellos que tienen sus admiradores es su tema La colegiala que logró, sólo en Francia, vender más de quinientas mil copias abriendo un camino pródigo para la música colombiana en el viejo continente. Rodolfo Aicardi murió en Medellín, el 24 de octubre de 2007, lo cual representó una gran pérdida para la música romántica y tropical del país.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1938 Welles scares nation

Orson Welles causes a nationwide panic with his broadcast of "War of the Worlds"-a realistic radio dramatization of a Martian invasion of Earth. Orson Welles was only 23 years old when his Mercury Theater company decided to update H.G. Wells' 19th-century science fiction novel War of the Worlds for national radio. Despite his age, Welles had been in radio for several years, most notably as the voice of "The Shadow" in the hit mystery program of the same name. "War of the Worlds" was not planned as a radio hoax, and Welles had little idea of the havoc it would cause. The show began on Sunday, October 30, at 8 p.m. A voice announced: "The Columbia Broadcasting System and its affiliated stations present Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater on the air in 'War of the Worlds' by H.G. Wells." Sunday evening in 1938 was prime-time in the golden age of radio, and millions of Americans had their radios turned on. But most of these Americans were listening to ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and his dummy "Charlie McCarthy" on NBC and only turned to CBS at 8:12 p.m. after the comedy sketch ended and a little-known singer went on. By then, the story of the Martian invasion was well underway. Welles introduced his radio play with a spoken introduction, followed by an announcer reading a weather report. Then, seemingly abandoning the storyline, the announcer took listeners to "the Meridian Room in the Hotel Park Plaza in downtown New York, where you will be entertained by the music of Ramon Raquello and his orchestra." Putrid dance music played for some time, and then the scare began. An announcer broke in to report that "Professor Farrell of the Mount Jenning Observatory" had detected explosions on the planet Mars. Then the dance music came back on, followed by another interruption in which listeners were informed that a large meteor had crashed into a farmer's field in Grovers Mills, New Jersey. Soon, an announcer was at the crash site describing a Martian emerging from a large metallic cylinder. "Good heavens," he declared, "something's wriggling out of the shadow like a gray snake. Now here's another and another one and another one. They look like tentacles to me ... I can see the thing's body now. It's large, large as a bear. It glistens like wet leather. But that face, it... it ... ladies and gentlemen, it's indescribable. I can hardly force myself to keep looking at it, it's so awful. The eyes are black and gleam like a serpent. The mouth is kind of V-shaped with saliva dripping from its rimless lips that seem to quiver and pulsate." The Martians mounted walking war machines and fired "heat-ray" weapons at the puny humans gathered around the crash site. They annihilated a force of 7,000 National Guardsman, and after being attacked by artillery and bombers the Martians released a poisonous gas into the air. Soon "Martian cylinders" landed in Chicago and St. Louis. The radio play was extremely realistic, with Welles employing sophisticated sound effects and his actors doing an excellent job portraying terrified announcers and other characters. An announcer reported that widespread panic had broken out in the vicinity of the landing sites, with thousands desperately trying to flee. In fact, that was not far from the truth. Perhaps as many as a million radio listeners believed that a real Martian invasion was underway. Panic broke out across the country. In New Jersey, terrified civilians jammed highways seeking to escape the alien marauders. People begged police for gas masks to save them from the toxic gas and asked electric companies to turn off the power so that the Martians wouldn't see their lights. One woman ran into an Indianapolis church where evening services were being held and yelled, "New York has been destroyed! It's the end of the world! Go home and prepare to die!" When news of the real-life panic leaked into the CBS studio, Welles went on the air as himself to remind listeners that it was just fiction. There were rumors that the show caused suicides, but none were ever confirmed. The Federal Communications Commission investigated the program but found no law was broken. Networks did agree to be more cautious in their programming in the future. Orson Welles feared that the controversy generated by "War of the Worlds" would ruin his career. In fact, the publicity helped land him a contract with a Hollywood studio, and in 1941 he directed, wrote, produced, and starred in Citizen Kane-a movie that many have called the greatest American film ever made.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Velocidad mental femenina

* Una MUJER entrando a un HOTEL con su AMANTE, se encuentra saliendo a su ESPOSO con otra... entonces ella GRITA: ¡Aajaaaaa! ¡¡¡Hijo de putaaa !!!Cabrón!!! ¡¡Te pillé!!, y además ¡¡¡hoy he traído 1 testigo!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

All My Children Comes To An End, After 41 Years

Soap was first to tackle gay marriage, abortion . All My Children ," which spent four decades introducing controversial issues like abortion, date rape, teenage alcoholism and gay marriage into daytime drama, wraps up its 41-year ABC run on Friday afternoon. AMC," which produced one of the all-time great soap villains in Susan Lucci 's Erica Kane and helped launch the careers of actors like Kim Delaney , Sarah Michelle Gellar , Kelly Ripa , Michael B. Jordan , Michelle Trachtenberg , Christian Slater and Jesse McCartney , joins the slow march of traditional soap operas to television's graveyard. It's possible the show itself will live in some other form. ABC sold the rights to the production company Prospect Park , which is trying to keep it alive on the Internet and also trying to sell it to a cable network. How much of the current cast would be involved is not clear. Cameron Mathison and Lindsay Hartley say they have signed up. Lucci said last week she is undecided. But as fewer TV viewers stay home during the daytime and the number of choices has exploded for those who do, broadcast networks are clearly shedding their soaps, which once anchored daytime programming with a dozen popular shows. In addition to "AMC," ABC is dumping "One Life To Life" as of January. CBS recently axed "The Guiding Light " and " As the World Turns . So daytime is now down to four major soaps: "General Hospital" on ABC, " Days of Our Lives " on NBC and "The Bold and the Beautiful" and "The Young and the Restless" on CBS. Ironically, soap-style and soap-influenced dramas are thriving on television these days. ABC's younger sister network, Family, has built its successful prime-time bloc almost exclusively on soap-style stories for teenagers, while networks like MTV and Disney also draw heavily on soaps for their teen dramas. Prime-time broadcast TAV doesn't have the sweeping soaps it had in the days of " Dallas " or " Knots Landing ," but it keeps getting new dramas like "Revenge," " The Playboy Club " and "Pan Am. All My Children" had much more traditional soap opera DNA, though it often dealt with subjects that had previously been shunned on soaps. AMC" actresses were arguing about the Vietnam war a year before Archie Bunker came to television, and Lucci's Kane was the first TV actress to have an abortion - shortly after the Supreme Court declared the procedure legal in 1973. Making it more controversial, she did it not for medical reasons, but because pregnancy could have hurt her modeling career. The core soap lineage of "All My Children," though, was firmly rooted in the radio dramas of the 1930s, which spawned the tongue-in-cheek phrase "soap opera" because the shows were sponsored by household product manufacturers like Procter & Gamble that wanted to reach stay-at-home women. All My Children" was conceived in the 1960s by Agnes Nixon , who was then writing "The Guiding Light. She moved on to "Another World," where she created a prototype for the Erica Kane character, and after she then created " One Life to Live ," ABC asked if she had anything else. That was "All My Children," which debuted Jan. 5, 1970, as a half-hour drama set in fictional Pine Valley, Pa. Nixon wrote the show's mission statement in the form of a poem, which read like something borrowed from the Bible: The Great and the Least, The Rich and the Poor, The Weak and the Strong, In Sickness and in Health, In Joy and Sorrow, In Tragedy and Triumph, You are ALL MY CHILDREN At first it foundered near the bottom of the daytime ratings, but by the late 1970s its edgier content had caught on. It expanded to an hour in April 1977 and was the No. 1 show in daytime for the 1977-78 season. While it spent most the 1980s in second place to "General Hospital," those are widely considered the show's golden years both for popularity and artistic creativity. Those are also the years when it started to become a running gag that Lucci would be nominated as best actress in a daytime drama and not win. Like many soap operas, "All My Children" had a number of celebrity fans who made guest appearances over the years. These included Rihanna , Oprah Winfrey , Ne-Yo , Carol Burnett , Celine Dion , Warren Buffett , Kathy Bates , Donald Trump , Montel Williams , Tom Wopat , Donna Hanover , Regis Philbin , Kathy Lee Gifford, Dick Cavett , Melba Moore , Ed Koch , Jimmy Buffett , Stevie Wonder , Aaron Neville , Gwen Verdon , Robert Morse , Cheryl Tiegs , Rosie O'Donnell and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen . Like most long-running soaps, "AMC" had considerable cast turnover, but long-time fans were particularly saddened in recent years by the departures of veterans like Ray MacDonnell , David Canary and Julia Barr . The show also lasted long enough for several cast members to pass away, including Ruth Warrick , Eileen Herlie and James Mitchell . All My Children" was shot in New York for its first 39 years, moving to Los Angeles for the last two. Fan groups have been protesting ABC's cancellation decision since it was announced this spring, but the network has replied that a profitable audience just isn't there any more. The show has lately averaged around two million viewers a day, down 75% from its peak. ABC is replacing "All My Children" with "The Chew," a lifestyle talk show built around food. The network says it hopes "AMC" fans will find many of the same dramatic elements and friendly characters they have found on the soap. In recent months the show has brought back a number of alumni and alumnae for farewell appearances. But as of 2 p.m. Friday, ABC closes its "All My Children" photo album for the last time.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

62 percent women feel domestic abuse is right!

If a wife burns the food or demurs to have sex, her husband can beat her. And if she goes out without telling her mother-in-law or doesn't bring in dowry, the mother-in-law can do the same.
That is how a large chunk of women in Nepal's patriarchal society feels, a sample survey has discovered.
The Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010, covering 24 of Nepal's 75 districts, focused on the state of women and children in two regions most vulnerable to disasters and the most underdeveloped: the midwest and the farwest.
These are also the districts that were the most affected by the 10-year Maoist insurgency and see thousands going to India across the border every year due to food scarcity and natural disasters.
Conducted by Nepal's Central Bureau of Statistics and supported by Unicef, the survey covered almost 6,000 households, talking to over 7,000 women about their family lives, health issues and children.
The survey, conducted from September to December 2010, found that 48 percent women, aged between 15-49 years, felt their husbands had the right to beat them if they spoilt the food while cooking, refused to have sex, neglected the children or argued.
Also, a whopping 62 percent believed mothers-in-law were justified in beating them if they failed to bring in dowry, went out of the house without telling them, didn't finish housework in time or argued.
Though Nepal's laws make it a punishable offence for a girl to marry before she is 18, the survey found an overwhelming 60 percent had been married before the legal age of consent.
Sixteen percent got married while below 15.
Though women dominated the population with the male-female ratio being 100:92.9, the dreaded tradition of chhaupadi still prevailed, despite being banned by the government.
Chhaupadi is the custom of regarding menstruation as a period of impurity during which women are not allowed to touch anything, including water, plants and their husbands.
Though it is not observed so rigidly in the capital and major cities, in the remote villages girls and women are confined to cowsheds during menstruation. Both girl students and women teachers are barred from
attending school.
The survey found the midwestern mountain region to be the worst affected -- 52 percent, while the farwestern hilly region reported a 50 percent prevalence.
'It is unacceptable,' said Hanna Singer, Unicef representative in Nepal, referring to the high prevalence of the chhaupadi system and the early marriages.
'The legal structure is protective of women but the implementation needs monitoring.'
Singer linked the violence against women to the violence targeting young children.
A whopping 83 percent of the children interviewed said they had been disciplined either by severe psychological abuse or physical punishment.
'It creates a continuous cycle of violence against women (and also) subjects women to longer cycles of child-bearing (that) has grave consequences for children's and women's health,' Singer said.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

George Harrison's memorabilia set to be showcased in exhibition

With the release of Martin Scorsese's new film about late Beatle George Harrison, the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles will organise a major exhibition on his life and music on Oct11, titled George Harrison: Living in the Material World - which is also the name of Scorsese's film.
Memorabilia that include guitars, clothing and lyrics from George Harrison's collection during his solo career days, as well as the time he spent as a member of Beatles and the Traveling Wilburys, will be exhibited in the museum.
The Grammy museum is in constant touch with Harrison's widow, Olivia Harrison and his son Dhani, to delve deep into the musician's life, reported Contactmusic.
The show will also feature never-before-seen photographs taken by Harrison.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Explore the sea with underwater technology

New technology sensors planted five km deep  can now enable humans to explore the sea, say researchers.
Researchers have completed tests on an undersea network of sensors that could capture volcanic eruptions on the seabed.
A team using special bots (automated tools) spent three weeks examining the sensors placed off the coast of the Pacific.
They took pictures of the cables and the sensors to make sure the project remains on track, the Daily Mail reports.
Once it is completed, the network will allow scientists to measure changes to the ocean's chemical, biological, physical and geological processes simultaneously.
The latest tests involved sending a 274-foot research vessel called Thomas G Thompson five km down.
 The network has already filmed a volcano that erupted last spring off the coast of Oregon.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Coming soon: Sony Ericsson's Xperia Arc S that can take 3D pictures

Sony Ericsson has announced its new line of smartphones, which can take 3D panoramic images on a standard 2D camera - the first of its kind on the mobile phone market.
Pictures taken on the new, top-of-the-range Xperia Arc S can be viewed on any compatible television set.
The phone, however, will display them only in two dimensions. Nor will it be able to produce 3D video output, reports the Daily Mail.
The camera works by taking several simultaneous images and 'stitching' them together.he phone, which runs Google's Android operating system, has a 4.2" screen and the camera definition is 8.1 megapixels, according to the Sunday Telegraph.
Any 3D images are viewed by connecting the phone to a 3D TV using the HDMI output.
The company said the Arc S will come in five colours - white, blue, silver, black and pink.
The device was unveiled at the IFA technology fair in Berlin.

What Religion is Your Bra?

A man walked into the ladies department of a Macy's
And shyly walked up to
The woman behind the counter and said,
"I'd like to buy a bra for my wife."
"What type of bra?"
Asked the clerk..
"Type?" inquires the man, "There's more than one type?"
"Look around,"
Said the saleslady,
As she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color
And material imaginable.
Even with all of this variety,
There are really only
Four types of bras to choose from."
Relieved, the man asked
About the types..
The saleslady replied:
"There are the Catholic,
The Salvation Army,
The Presbyterian,
And the Baptist types.
Which one would you prefer?"

Now totally befuddled,
The man asked about
The differences between them.
The Saleslady responded,
"It is all really quite simple. ..

The Catholic type
Supports the masses;
The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen;
The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright; and
The Baptist makes mountains out of molehills."

Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the letters used
To define bra sizes?
If you have wondered why,
But couldn't figure out
What the letters stood for,
It is about time
You became informed!

(A} Almost Boobs...
{B} Barely there...
{C} Can't Complain!...
{D} Dang!...
{DD} Double dang!......
{E} Enormous!...
{F} Fake...
{G} Get a Reduction...
{H} Help me, I've fallen
And I can't get up!...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Beware, tattoos could be cancerous!

More and more people are getting tattoos - thanks to the trend set by celebrities like singers the late Amy Winehouse and Christina Aguilera, actors Angelina Jolie and Jake Gyllenhaal, and soccer star David Beckham.
However, recent studies have found that the inks contain a host of dodgy substances, including some phthalates, metals, and hydrocarbons that are carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, prompting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to launch a probe.
One chemical commonly used to make black tattoo ink called benzo(a)pyrene is known to be a potent carcinogen that causes skin cancer in animal tests, reports the Daily Mail.
According to scientists, coloured inks often contain lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, titanium and other heavy metals that could trigger allergies or diseases.
Some pigments are industrial grade dyes 'suitable for printers' ink or automobile paint,' says an FDA fact sheet.
The FDA has launched an investigation into the long-term safety of the inks, including what happens when they break down in the body or fade from light exposure.
"The short answer is we don't know if the chemicals in tattoo inks represent a health hazard," Joseph Braun, an environmental epidemiologist at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts, told Environmental Health News.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

JC Penny pulls controversial top for girls

Sheesh people bitch to fucking much!
JC Penny, the major US clothing brand, has pulled a controversial long-sleeve T-shirt for girls after a string of complaints from parents.
The JC Penny T-shirt for girls is white with colourful, fun letters emblazoned on the front that read: “I'm too pretty to do my homework so my brother has to do it for me”.
The clothing brand marketed the T-shirt as cute and fun for young girls between the ages of 7 and 16, but critics have lambasted it as sexist and stereotypical.
“I advocate for girls and against this kind of gender stereotyping in the marketplace,” influential clothing designer, Melissa Wardy wrote on her Facebook page, alongside a picture of the T-shirt. “My little girl starts kindergarten tomorrow... I don't want her to see a shirt like that on her classmate, something saying that pretty is cute and right and the academics should be left to the boys.”
Many parents agreed with her, inundating JC Penny with complains and forcing the company to remove the item from their Web site. 
Ironically, the T-shirt is made by a US company called Self-Esteem, which makes Wardy’s comment rather poignant.
“Why are we conditioning kids to wear something that degrades their self-worth?” she asked via Facebook.
“We agree that the 'Too pretty' T-shirt does not deliver an appropriate message,” JC Penny said in a stamen, “and we have immediately discontinued its sale... We would like to apologize to our customers and are taking action to ensure that we continue to uphold the integrity of our merchandise that they have come to expect.”
However, many parents have pointed out that JC Penny’s statement is in direct contrast to the caption they had on their Web site alongside the offending item, which parents found as offensive as the T-shirt itself.
“Who has time for homework when there’s a new Justin Bieber album out? She’ll love this tee that’s just as cute and sassy as she is,” read JC Penny’s description of the T-shirt.
Similar children’s T-shirts have caused offense in the past, such as the white David & Goliath T-shirt that read in pink on the front, “I’m too pretty to do math” and another that read “Future Trophy Wife”.

Monday, August 29, 2011

9 of the Biggest Dog Myths

Call them legends or even "old wives tales," but don't call them facts.
Some of these sayings about dogs have been around for centuries, but in
reality many are simply myths that amount to bad advice. Here are some of
the biggest misconceptions about dogs that just wont die.
1. A Warm or Dry Nose Means a Dog is Sick1

2Photo C :mrMark: on flickr3This one is probably the biggest dog health myth
around. Somewhere along the line, people came to the conclusion that a cold,
wet nose is a sign of a healthy dog and a warm or dry nose is a sign of

How it Began
Like many myths, the origins of this are not definitively known but are
likely rooted in fact. Canine distemper is a deadly virus that was once
quite prevalent. One symptom of advanced distemper is hyperkeratosis
(thickening) of the nose and footpads. Basically, the nose and pads of the
feet become hard and dry. Back when distemper was more widespread, a cool,
wet nose was considered a good sign that the dog did not have distemper.
While canine distemper still occurs, thanks to vaccinations it is far less
common today.

The Facts
The temperature and moisture of your dog's nose are not miracle measurements
of his health. For instance, a dog's nose is often dry and/or warm if he has
just woken up, and this is perfectly normal. However, a nose that is
persistently dry and crusted might be a sign of a health problem. If you
notice an abnormal appearance to your dog's nose or any other signs of
illness4, contact your vet right away.

The Dry Nose Myth5
2. Dog Mouths Are Cleaner Than Human Mouths6

7Photo C GK Hart/Vikki Hart/Getty ImagesSome of us may recall hearing this
as kids, particularly if a dog licked your face or sampled whatever you were
currently eating. "Don't worry about it! Didn't you know that a dog's mouth
is cleaner than yours?"

How it Began
The idea that dogs' mouths are clean was probably surmised by the fact that
dogs lick their wounds and sometimes heal faster because of it. In reality,
if a wound heals faster after a dog licks it, that's because his rough
tongue has been removing dead tissue and stimulating circulation, much like
a surgeon would debride a wound. On the other hand, licking wounds can
sometimes cause more harm than good by introducing bacteria and/or
irritating the wound. Guess the people who came up with this myth did not
think about the dog wounds that did not heal properly.

The Facts
A dog's mouth contains plenty of germs, not to mention other "icky" things.
Think about the stuff your dog eats off the ground and out of the trash, or
the things he licks off of himself. Plus, many dogs do not get their teeth
brushed as regularly as people, so there is the dental tartar and bacteria
to consider (as if doggie breath didn't give this away). Overall, a dog's
mouth contains more germs than anyone wants to think about. But the good
news is that these germs are usually dog-specific and unlikely to cause any
harm to humans. Basically, if you keep your dog healthy8, dewormed and
up-to-date on vaccines, there is little to worry over. Better yet, take care
of your dog's teeth9 and there's even less going on in that mouth. So, a
little "kiss" from your dog is nothing to fret about, but I wouldn't go
sharing water bowls or letting your dog lick your wounds.

The Legend of Clean Dog Mouths10
3. Dogs See in Black and White11

12Photo C cogdogblog on flickr13It was once believed that dogs could see
only in black and white (and shades of gray). Many people still think this
is the case.

How it Began
There is no evidence behind the origins of this myth, but it may have to do
with old science. It could be that scientists came to the conclusion that
dogs see in black and white before they fully understood the canine eye (or
even the human eye for that matter) and the functions of cones.

The Facts
Dogs can see color, but not the way most humans do. Based of the types of
cones in the canine retina, dogs probably see colors best on the blue side
of the spectrum. Canine color vision is thought to be similar to red-green
colorblindness in humans, though not exactly the same. It is believed that
dogs see primarily in blue, greenish-yellow, yellow and various shades of

All About the Eyesight of Dogs14
4. Dogs Eat Grass to Make Themselves Vomit15

16Photo C 3Neus on flickr17It's true that dogs will often throw up after
eating a lot of grass. However, this does not mean they ate that grass to
induce vomiting, or that it is somehow a sign of illness.

How it Began
The origin of this myth is most likely due to an incorrect assumption by dog
owners. People observed their dogs vomiting after eating grass. They assumed
that dogs intentionally ate grass when feeling sick to their stomachs in
order to make them vomit. When you consider the real reason, this conclusion
seems like the long way around.

The Facts
Why do dogs eat grass? Probably because they simply like it. Some dogs like
to graze while others chomp. Enough grass in the stomach can create minor
irritation and cause the dog to vomit. Some experts believe that a dog's
taste for grass goes back to the days when a wild canid would eat the
stomach contents of its prey - usually grass, leaves, etc. Regardless of the
reason, it's relatively harmless as long as the grass is not chemically
treated. That being said, if grass-eating has led to chronic vomiting in
your dog, you should probably keep him away from the grass and visit your
vet just in case.

Why Do Pets Eat Grass?18
5. Dogs Age Seven Years for Every Human Year19

20Photo C Randy Pertiet on flickr21Saying that a one-year-old dog is seven
in dog years does not really make sense when you consider that dogs can
reproduce well before one year of age. That would make 15-year-old dog 105
in dog years, which is not the case. Plenty of dogs live to 15 and are still
healthy, far more than the humans who live past 100.

How it Began
Someone probably looked at the average lifespan of people versus the average
lifespan of dogs and made the estimate of seven dog years for every human
year. It's really just an over-simplified way of describing the rate at
which a dog ages.

The Facts
Obviously, dogs age at a faster rate than humans. However, that rate is
faster early in life and seems to get slower with age. For instance, a
one-year-old dog is basically like a human teenager, but an eight-year-old
dog is like a middle-aged human (the latter matches up more closely with the
seven-year theory). Most importantly, the size and breed of the dog has a
lot to do with its aging rate and lifespan. Many small breeds22 are known to
live 15-20 years while a lot of giant breeds23 only live 7-10 years. In a
strange twist, young giant breed dogs tend to reach adulthood more slowly
than the average dog, despite their shorter lifespans.

Estimated Dog Age Chart24
6. You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks25

26Photo C Kimberly ZwaagstraWe hear it said all the time. "You can't teach
an old dog new tricks." People say it about dogs, but they also say it about
people (usually referring to stubbornness). Of course, we all know that
people can learn at any age, but sometimes they just don't want to. It's not
much different in dogs.

How it Began
People probably noticed that their older dogs had less interest in new
activities and were less responsive to training. The saying also refers to
adults who are "set in their ways."

The Facts
While it may not be easy to teach new things to an older dog, it can be
done. One factor that may go overlooked: old-age sensory changes. A senior
dog may not see or hear like he used to. Plus, he likely does not have as
much energy as a younger dog. When training an older dog, you first need to
be able to get his attention. You also need to make sure the activity is not
too physically demanding for the dog. Keep it interesting with his favorite
toys or treats. However, be aware that some senior dogs experience cognitive
dysfunction (basically senility) and will not be able to retain new
information well. Perhaps the saying should be "you can't teach a senile dog
new tricks."

Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks27
7. A Waging Tail Means a Happy Dog28

29Photo C bsabarnowl on flickr30This common misconception could lead to an
unfortunate dog bite. Yes, dogs tend to wag their tails when happy and
excited. However, they are known to wag their tails for other reasons.

How it Began
The image of the happy, bright-eyed dog jumping for joy with a wagging tail
is the way we all love to see our dogs. Tail wagging has been associated
with happy dogs for so long it's hard to say how this generalization began,
but it is rooted in truth.

The Facts
Canine body language can get pretty complex. Tail wagging is just one of the
many ways dogs communicate. While it is true that tail wagging is often an
indication of happiness, it can sometimes be a sign of fear, anxiety or
other potential precursor to aggression. Rather than looking just at the
tail, it is best to pay attention to a dog's overall body language31 to
determine its mood.

Dog Body Language: Wagging Tail32
8. Female Dogs Should Have One Litter Before Being Spayed33

34Spay and neuter are controversial topics for many people, and this is an
argument often used against spaying dogs. There is no reason a dog should be
bred once before being spayed. In general, routine spaying and neutering of
dogs is recommended to help control the already huge population of unwanted
dogs, a major problem in the world. Yes, there are some valid reasons to
choose not to spay your dog, but this is not one of them.

How it Began
There is probably no way to know how this myth really began. Believe it or
not, some people think that a dog would feel some kind of void, like she is
missing out if she cannot have at least one litter of puppies. This is not
true and actually a prime example of anthropomorphism35. Other people
believe that there are long-term health benefits to completing a heat cycle
and/or having a litter.

The Facts
It may come as a surprise to some that dogs do not think like humans. They
will not feel "empty" because they never had puppies. In fact, some dogs are
not even good mothers. Breeding your female dog and helping to raise puppies
can turn out to be a big job for you - is it worth it? In reality, it
contributes to pet overpopulation. In addition, there is no evidence that
allowing dogs to go into heat and/or produce a litter before getting spayed
has any health benefits. In fact, spaying a dog after she has gone into heat
and/or had a litter can even raise the risks of surgery. If you want to
breed your dog, make sure she is a proven purebred dog and an excellent
example of her breed. Then, find an experienced, responsible dog breeder36
to mentor you. Breeding dogs is more than a simple hobby - it is a

Should Your Spay Your Dog?37
9. Tug of War Can Cause Aggression38

39Photo C Ryan McVay / Getty ImagesThere has been much debate over playing
tug-of-war with dogs. Some feel the game causes aggression or dominant
behavior, warning people to never play tug-of-war with their dogs. Actually,
the truth is just the opposite.

How it Began
People probably noticed they way some dogs got so into the game - growling
and snarling. Naturally, it would seem that playing the game simply
reinforces those aggressive behaviors.

The Facts
Many dogs truly enjoy playing tug-of-war, and there is nothing wrong with
that. It is a healthy display of their predatory nature and an excellent
mental and physical workout. Tug-of-war is also a great way to reinforce the
human-canine bond. Over the years, many professional dog trainers have
noticed that the game actually decreases aggressive and dominant behaviors
in dogs, kind of like an outlet for these emotions. Some experts say the
human should always win the game, while others say the dog should always
win. In reality, it probably depends on the dog. Winning tug-of-war boosts
your dog's confidence, while losing might humble him. If you dog has no
behavior problems, you can probably switch up the winning and losing. If you
are in doubt, find a dog trainer40 and ask for advice. The most important
thing to remember: if your dog's teeth ever touch your flesh, the game is
over for the time being.
Playing Tug of War With Dogs

Thursday, August 25, 2011

mas chistecitos condensados :

¡Mamá, mamá, en la escuela me dicen mentiroso!
y dice la mamá: -¡Cállate, que ni vas a la escuela!
¿Qué le dijo una estatua a otra?
¡Sos una cara dura!
Un perro le dice a otro:
- ¡Guau!
El otro le responde
- ¡Guau, Guau!
Entonces el primero ofendido le reprocha
-¡Siempre cambiando de tema!
- ¿Qué pasa si un elefante se para sobre una pata?
- ¡El pato se queda viudo!
-¡Oye, Pepito! ¿Acaso copiaste el examen de Jaimito?
  -¡No, Maestra, se lo juro!
  -¡No mientas! ¡En la pregunta No. 10, él puso...¡No sé la respuesta!...y
tú escribiste...¡Y yo tampoco...!
Un hombre se paseaba por la calle, portando un enorme cartel que decía:
¡Que viva mi suegra...!
En la parte de atrás, se leía:
¡Pero que viva bien lejos....!
Tiernamente, la mujer le dice a su esposo:
-¡Oye, mi amor! ¿Cuándo me llevas a ver a las Momias de
-¡El día que quieras, pero avísales a tu madre y a tus
tías que sea que les caigamos de sorpresa!
Dos señoras hablando:
-¡Mi hijo, en su nuevo trabajo, se encuentra como pez en el agua...!
-¿Y qué hace?
El niño mosquito pregunta: -¡Mamá, mamá! ¿Puedo ir al teatro?
La mamá le responde: -¡Bueno, hijo, vé...pero ten mucho cuidado con los aplausos!
El bebé cocodrilo pregunta: -¡Dime, papá! ¿Algún día tendré mucho dinero?
El papá cocodrilo responde: -¡Claro, hijo, cuando seas billetera!
-¡Hola, señor, vengo a pedir la mano de su hija!
-¿Cuál, la mayor o la menor?
-¡Ah, caramba! ¿No tiene dos manos iguales?
Entra un hombre completamente borracho a su casa, a horas intempestivas, en estado lamentable, con todo el rostro manchado de lápiz labial. Su esposa, enfurecida, lo increpa:
-¿Estas son horas de llegar? ¿Y en ese estado? ¿Qué te pasó?
El borracho le responde:
-¡No vas a creerme...tuve una feroz pelea con un payaso!
Una joven anuncia a sus padres que se va a casar. El padre le pregunta:
-¡Dime, hijita! ¿Tu novio tiene dinero?
-¡Ay, papá! ¡Es lo mismo que él me pregunta de tí...!
¿Cómo se dice dentista en japonés?
Tekuro Tuocico.
¿Cómo se dice ducha en árabe?
Mohamed primero, secadme después.
¿Cómo se dice calzón en italiano?
Cassa de la mia colitta.
¿Cómo se dice usar el toilet en japonés?
Yoshicago agashaito.
¿Cómo se dice suegra en ruso?
¿Cómo se dice besar en árabe?
Salibava salibaviene.
¿Cómo se dice resbalarse en chino?
¿Cómo se dice casada en chino?
Ya plobó.
¿Cómo se dice espejo en chino?
¿Cómo se dice minifalda en chino?
¿Cómo se dice resorte en chino?
¿Cómo se dice ministro de trabajo en japonés?
Tusudas Yocomo.
¿Cómo se llama el primer ruso que se cayó al suelo?
¿Cómo se dice pobre en chino?
Chin Agua, Chin Lu, Chin naa.
¿Cómo se dice fusilamiento en árabe?
Bala-va atájala.

Southampton Varsity develops new way to generate music and control computers

University of Southampton researchers have developed a new way to generate music and control computers.
"Grab a block and add a base beat, turn a block to speed up the high hat and we have a new way to generate music through controlling the computer," said Dr Enrico Costanza at the University's ECS - Electronics and Computer Science, who is launching Audio d-touch.
Audio d-touch, which is based on Dr Costanza's research into tangible user interfaces, or TUIs, gives physical control in the immaterial world of computers. It uses a standard computer and a web cam. Through using simple computer vision techniques, physical blocks are tracked on a printed board. The position of the blocks then determines how the computer samples and reproduces sound.
"As more of our world moves into the electronic; records to mp3s, books to eBooks, we loose the satisfying richness of touching physical objects like paper and drumsticks," said Dr Costanza.
"Our Audio d-touch system allows people to set up and use tangible interfaces in their own home, office or recording studio, or wherever else they like," said Dr Costanza. This is the first time that anyone has developed a free application like this."
Audio d-touch is more than just for play: TUIs are an alternative to virtual worlds. Human-Computer Interaction researchers are investigating ways to move away from the online, purely digital world and rediscover the richness of our sense of touch.
Dr Costanza has developed Audio d-touch over several years, "Our aim is to advance the field by gaining insight into how tangible interfaces can be used in the real world. We are keen to have more people download audio d-touch and give us feedback so that we can improve it."
All that is needed is a regular computer equipped with a web-cam and a printer. The user creates physical interactive objects and attaches printed visual markers recognized by Audio d-touch. The software platform is open and can be extended for applications beyond music synthesis.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Presley's 'Jailhouse Rock' songwriter Jerry Leiber dies at 78

Jerry Leiber, the songwriter who penned the lyrics for Elvis Presley's classic rock and roll hits including 'Hound Dog' and 'Jailhouse Rock' died Monday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles of cardiopulmonary failure. He was 78.
Leiber earned his reputation alongside co-writer Mike Stoller, penning tunes for The Drifters, The Coasters and Ben E King as well as Presley.
Leiber's career began in 1953 when Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton became the first artist to record Hound Dog, sending the song - then a rhythm and blues number - to the top of the charts.
The song later became an even more successful hit record for Elvis Presley, who reinvented it as a rock and roll classic.
The pair also crafted the enduring Ben E King hit Stand By Me, seen by critics as one of their most influential and enduring songs.
Leiber and Stoller's work as a songwriting duo earned 15 number one hits and secured them both entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, in 1987.
"The music world lost today one of its greatest poet laureates," the BBC quoted Terry Stewart, president of the Hall of Fame and Museum, in Cleveland, Ohio, as saying.
"Jerry not only wrote the words that everyone was singing, he led the way in how we verbalised our feelings about the societal changes we were living with in post-World War II life.
"Appropriately, his vehicles of choice were the emerging populist musical genres of rhythm and blues and then rock and roll," he said.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Now, a boat hotel above Thames for 2012 Olympics

A bizarre new hotel, shaped like a boat,- is to be placed on top of the Queen Elizabeth Concert hall peering out over the River Thames for the 2012 Olympics to be held here.
The nautical building, due to be hoisted into position on London's South Bank in December, will be equipped with a mast and look-out station and guests will be expected to keep a detailed log and hoist a flag to indicate they are aboard, the Daily Mail reports.
The designers of the building, called A Room For London are David Kohn Architects and artist Fiona Banner who said they set out to create something 'playful, beguiling and thought-provoking.'
The hotel, which is expected to be massively popular during next year's Olympic games, will have panoramic windows and an upper viewing deck affording some of the most spectacular views of the capital.
But those demanding a degree of privacy will be left very disappointed. The South Bank is one of the busiest places in town and guests will have to get used to a constant stream of curious tourists.
Inside, it will be fitted-out using real timber and the designers promise it will be full of 'nooks and crannies' for guests to explore
The design was chosen from 500 entries in a competition set up by cultural organizations Living Architecture, and Artangel, in association with Southbank Centre.
The hotel will be equipped with a mast and look-out post and guests will be required to hoist a flag to show they are in residence
Tickets for night stays during the first half of 2012 will be available from next month and tickets for the rest of the year, covering the Olympics, will go on sale in January.
A spokesman for the architects said: 'It will appear to have come to rest there, grounded, perhaps, from the retreating waters of the Thames below.
'The idea evolved from narratives of travel and displacement in literature, in particular Joseph Conrad's novella 'Heart of Darkness,''

Saturday, August 20, 2011

US Students Spread Musical Message in Kenya

A group of university students and alumni has returned to the United States after three weeks in Kenya, where they were part of a cultural exchange program which aims to transform lives through music.

The group, from Berklee College of Music in Boston, taught music, performed, donated instruments to a local community center and learned about traditional Kenyan music.
Music is an integral part of life in Kenya.
"Growing up, I sang a lot in school. And we had competitions and choir and music every year," says Sam Lutomia, a staff member at Berklee College of Music. Born and raised in Kenya, he now lives and works in Boston. "When I moved to the States, I got exposed to a higher level of music and I was like, 'Is there something I can do now that I'm in the States?'"
 Global Youth GrooveBerklee alumnus Aaron Colverson with a student at Matende High School in Kakamega, Kenya.
He co-founded Global Youth Groove, with the goal of exposing Kenyan young people to Western music and encouraging them to pursue a career in music.
"I started talking with students at Berklee College of Music and faculty members and they all responded positively," says Lutomia. "And we started collecting instruments. After that, we traveled to Kenya last month to start a community center."
Thirteen Americans made the trip, including four high school students from the Boston area. Among them was 17-year-old Marina Miller.
"We started out in Nairobi," she says. "We got a chance to meet with local musicians and listen to them play."
 Global Youth GrooveChildren at the Divine Providence Children's Home in Kakamega, Kenya, examine a guitar.
In Kakamega, in western Kenya, the Americans presented a gift.
"We"ve gathered like 20 instruments," says project coordinator Aaron Colverson. "They include acoustic guitar, electric guitar, acoustic violin, flute, clarinet, saxophone, also a trumpet and a trombone. We had some recorders and also an entire drum kit, lap tops and recording software."
Dozens of young Kenyans, between the ages of 15 and 30, took workshops offered by the group.
Berklee student David Chapman says, for some of the Kenyans, it was their first time seeing and touching such instruments. "Their music classes would just be them reading books about western instruments.
The workshops offered a more hands-on approach.
"We would lecture for a while and teach, everything would be very interactive," Chapman says. "If anyone had any questions or wanted to play with instruments, we would always welcome that."
The group also held workshops in orphanages and performed at a national music festival.
"When you put music in front of kids, it seems that their minds open up," says project coordinator Aaron Colverson. "Music gives them a chance to express themselves through songs and writing the songs."
Throughout the trip, the group met with local musicians and listened to them play. They also learned about traditional Kenyan instruments, dances and songs.
The short trip has had a lasting impact, according to Nairobi native Wambura Mitaru, who studies at Berklee.
"Up until today, kids are talking to one another," she says. "There is one young man, his name is Scott from Kenya, and he plays violin. He met with Aaron Colverson from Berklee. They really got to jam with each other and play the violin and Scott got to learn about different things. He now plays everywhere, when he can."
Trip leader Sam Lutomia is happy with the enthusiasm generated by the exchange program. He hopes the trip becomes an annual event and would like to expand it to neighboring countries.

French fashion label draws fire with lingerie for young girls

French company Jours Après Lunes is drawing fire from critics over its new range of ‘loungerie’, which is reportedly a mix between loungewear and lingerie...but for young girls.
“What's disturbing about Jours Après Lunes is not just the fact that it's lingerie for people who probably shouldn't be old enough to even know what lingerie is, but the photographs on their website,” an opinion piece on Fashion website opined. broke the story of Jours Après Lunes’ new line of underwear, which has been released along with a photographic ad campaign featuring infants, young girls and teenagers wearing the ‘loungerie’.
They smile for the camera, reclining in bras and panties, some wearing makeup and expressions that some have called disturbing.
Jours Après Lunes creator Sophie Morin defended her brand and the photographs included in the ad campaign in an interview with the Lingerie Trade website.
Morin insisted that there was no “vulgar connotation” in the ad campaign photos, because none of the materials used are transparent, while she said her collection includes no bras as none of the tops include support wires.
This is not the first time child-oriented fashion has created an uproar. The US clothing brand Abercrombie and Fitch drew fire from the public when it released its "Ashley" push-up bra for 70year-olds. The bra was later marketed to 12-year-olds as well.

Friday, August 19, 2011


I give her all my love
 That's all I do
 And if you saw my love
 You'd love her too
 I love her
 She gives me everything
 And tenderly
 The kiss my lover brings
 She brings to me
 And I love her
 A love like ours
 Could never die
 As long as I
 Have you near me
 Bright are the stars that shine
 Dark is the sky
 I know this love of mine
 Will never die
 And I love her
 Bright are the stars that shine
 Dark is the sky
 I know this love of mine
 Will never die
 And I love her

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Bryan Adams
Oh, thinkin' about all our younger years
 There was only you and me
 We were young and wild and free
 Now nothin' can take you away from me
 We've been down that road before
 But that's over now
 You keep me comin' back for more
 Baby you're all that I want
 When you're lyin' here in my arms
 I'm findin' it hard to believe
 We're in heaven
 And love is all that I need
 And I found it there in your heart
 It isn't too hard to see
 We're in heaven
 Oh, once in your life you find someone
 Who will turn your world around
 Bring you up when you're feelin' down
 Yeah, nothin' could change what you mean to me
 Oh, there's lots that I could say
 But just hold me now
 'Cause our love will light the way
 I've been waitin' for so long
 For somethin' to arrive
 For love to come along
 Now our dreams are comin' true
 Through the goodtimes and the bad
 Yeah, I'll be standin' there by you

Lingerie for girls as young as 4 irks fashion world

A French clothing line has sparked controversy after developing a lingerie line for girls as young as four.
The fashion industry was left fuming after French label Jours Apr
?s Lunes launched a line of lingerie.
According to Fashionista, scantily clad young girls wearing make-up and sporting voluminous upswept hairdos are featured promoting a new range of lingerie.
'Loungerie' - combining lingerie and lounge wear, Jours Apr
?s Lunes line up a range of panties, bras, camisoles and T-shirts with lace edges, ribboned bow detailing and nautical stripes for girls between the ages of 4 to 12.
The pictures show the young girls in risque poses and styling way too premature for their age, wearing striped bras and panties, playing with make-up, jewellery and a string of pearls wrapped around their miniscule frames.
In one of the shots, a girl wearing Jackie O-style sunglasses lounges back on a pillow, her reverence shielded merely by panties and a cropped polka dot tied top, with another shot showing three young girls playing together, their hair done in Amy Winehouse style and lips painted bright pink and red.
"What's disturbing about Jours Apr
?s Lunes is... that it's lingerie for people who probably shouldn't be old enough to even know what lingerie is," the Daily Mail quoted Fashionista as saying.
"These pictures are not cute. It's entirely inappropriate to put a four-year-old in a bouffant like she's Brigitte Bardot," the magazine added.
"It's cute when a little girl dresses up in her mom's clothing and jewelry and high heels," Marilisa Racco, author of Le Snob Lingeries told NY Daily News.
"These pictures are not cute. It's entirely inappropriate to put a 4-year-old in a bouffant like she's Brigitte Bardot in And God Created Woman.
"It's inappropriate to sexualize children. A pearl-encrusted triangle bra on a little girl does not sit well with me," she added.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Boy beaten for 30 minutes after he stole to play video games

A 12-year-old boy in China was hung from a pole by his hands and feet, whipped and then beaten for 30 minutes by his angry parents as he had stolen money to play video games.
The incident took place here Sunday and a photograph of the incident has stirred an online outcry.
Ning, an eyewitness, said he heard the screams of the boy and he saw the boy tied up, hanging from an iron pole about two metres above the ground.
The boy's father lashed him while his mother pulled a rope with which the boy was tied up.
'I've never seen such a horrible way of education in my life,' Shanghai Daily quoted Ning as saying. '
It seemed like the parents really wanted to beat their own son to death on the street.'
Neighbours who tried to intervene were told, 'It's my son and my own way to educate him! That's none of your business!'
The parents became angry when they realised that 300 yuan kept for rent was stolen by their son who spent it on video games.
The beating ended only after the police arrived.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Meet the Brit girl who dozes off for 2 months at a stretch

A British girl, who suffers from the rare Kleine-Levin Syndrome, is said to nod off to sleep for two months at a time.
Lily Clarke, 21, a student, has slept through university exams, Christmas, New Year and even her own 18th birthday party after falling asleep a few days before.
Her mum Adele, 47, said the condition came on in 2007 after the family went for a meal following a day's ice-skating.
"Before the food arrived Lily had fallen asleep in her chair. We couldn't wake her and had to carry her from the restaurant," the Sun quoted her as saying.
Lily sleeps deeply for about 23 hours a day and is woken just long enough to be fed at her parents' home in Haslemere, Surrey.
She now sleeps for an average of two months at a time roughly every seven months.
"She is missing out on huge chunks of her life," Adele added.
There is no known cure for the syndrome but medics say it usually affects young people - so Lily may grow out of it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Una mujer quería comprar un numero de loteria,  pero estaba indecisa
sobre qué números escoger, así que va donde el joven vendedor y le pregunta:
- Mire, quiero jugar a la Lotería, pero la verdad es que no sé cómo
escoger los 5 números, a lo mejor usted me puede ayudar?
  - Claro, como no - responde el joven y a la vez le pregunta:
  - ¿Por ejemplo, dígame. ¿Cuántas veces ha salido usted del país?
  - Cuatro veces.
  - Perfecto, ese es su primer número, el 4. Ahora dígame ¿Cuántos hijos
  - 2 hijos.
  - OK. Ese es su segundo número.  ¿Y cuántos libros ha leído este año?
  - 5 libros.
  El joven anota.
  - Ahora cuénteme, ¿Cuántas veces al mes hace el amor con su marido?
  - Oiga pero,  eso es muy personal, ¿no cree?
  - Bueno, ¿quiere o no ganar la lotería?
  - Bueno bueno,.... 2 veces al mes.
  - O.K. Y ahora que ya entramos en confianza, dígame:
  ¿Cuántas veces en su vida le ha puesto los cuernos a su marido?
  - Perdone joven, pero sepa que... ¡Yo no soy de esas mujeres sueltas...!
  - Está bien, está bien, no se enoje - le dice el joven - Eso quiere
decir que cero veces.
  Ya lo tengo, su número es el:
  4 2 5 2 0
  Efectivamente la mujer compra la serie completa y al día siguiente lo
primero que hace es mirar el periódico y encuentra que el número ganador
del premio es el:
  4 2 5 2 7

CHISTE - Me parece que ésta es una difícil situación.....y ustedes ¿Que hubieran hecho ?

Una mujer está en la cama con su amante y de repente escucha que alguien abre la puerta de calle. Es su esposo que acaba de llegar de modo inesperado. La mujer no sabe qué hacer, sepone muy nerviosa..., claro, en losdepartamentos modernos no hay un espacio debajo de la cama, no tienen balcón, están en el piso 20, no existen los armarios. Piensa un segundo y le dice a su amante: 'Cariñito, sígueme el cuento y déjame actuar a mí, pero sobre todo, quédate de pie, quietito, sin pestañear'.
Entra el marido a la habitación: ¡Hola mi amor!, he adelantado mi vuelo y he  llegado un día antes...Hey... ¿y quién es este huevón?... ¿y qué mierda hace parado ahí en pelotas?
 La adúltera se ríe de manera forzada... 'ja, ja, já, ¿apuesto que creíste que es un hombre de verdad?Como me tienes tan abandonada con tantos viajes y tantas reuniones..., me compré este
Ven, … tócalo... tiene piel casi humana de verdad, vienerefrigerado por agua, gasta muy poco, tiene un procesador de 256 bits, con conexiónGPS a Internet, actualización automática de programas, etc., etc.'-¡Pero mi amor! ... ¿era necesario que te compraras algo así?   -¿Y tu qué quieres?, ¿que me meta a la cama con algún vecino o con el portero?.
No es para tanto, déjate de leseras y vámonos a la  cama - dice él.La mujer, que estaba algo más que agotada con tanto sexo, le dice:¡Ay mi amor,… es que me duele tanto la cabeza, y además justo hoy, me llegó la regla...
--¡Puta  la mala suerte que tengo!...entonces prepárame alguna cosita que vengo con mucha hambre.  La mujer se va a la cocina, y el marido se queda a solas con el supuesto 'robot'.  Lo mira detenidamente y dice:
- Si este invento es bueno para mi mujer, también lo puede ser para mí,… ¡supongo!. Lo toma de un brazo y lo tira sobre la cama. Lo pone culo arriba, y cuando está a punto de clavárselo, el 'robot', con la voz  más metálica y robótica que puede imitar:
El tipo lo mira, se sube los pantalones y dice:
¡Vaya mierda de ROBOT!,… y tan moderno.¡Ahora mismo tiro esta güevá por la ventana!.El amante robot, recordando que está en el piso 20,recapacita y gime con la misma voz metálica:

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dog IDs all the rage

DogIDs has partnered with PetHub to make QR code collars that take advantage of today’s smartphone technology. 
The ID collars include a unique web address and engraved QR code, the latter which can be scanned with any smartphone, including iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Microsoft Windows Mobile and more. 
The ScruffTag itself sits on the scruff or back of a dog’s neck, making it easy to scan the QR code without having to reach under a dog’s jowls. 
The collar can also include the pet’s name and the owner’s phone number.
A profile page on enables owners to build their pet’s profile by storing a myriad of information including medical history and current medications, training facts, care instructions, primary and alternative contacts, biography data and photos.
The information can be shared securely with care providers, vets, family and friends with the click of a button.

Friday, August 12, 2011


el rey del mereng
1 La Mecha
2 La Salve Las Antills
3 Limpiando La Hebilla
4 Pa Despues Venir Llorando
5 Alabao Sea Dios
6 Madora Che Che
7 Cada Tirra com Su Ritmo
8 Ahi Viene La Nena
9 Ahora Me Viene Llorando
10 Rio abajo Voy
11 El Fucu
12 Tu Si Sabes Como Fue

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alejandra Guzman marks 20 years in music

Alejandra Guzman, the queen of Mexican rock, has released a live album summarising her first two decades in music.
'During all this time I've accumulated the energy of the people,' said La Guzman in an interview with EFE.
'What they give me back every night, the magic of a hit, when they see that I'm singing each one a song, it touches their heart and they feel it inside. Yes, I've had hard times too, but I'm still here loving what I do. Basically I'm still the same as when I began,' she said.
At 43, the controversial artist is still a whirlwind. An extrovert chatterbox, the two-time Grammy winner now bases her concerts on updated versions of her best-known numbers backed by the rock group Moderatto.
The album documents a March 17 concert and its release will set the theme for an international tour beginning Aug 20 in Mexico and will come to the US in November.
The daughter of singer Enrique Guzman and actress Silvia Pinal, she has sold more than 10 million discs, though she has also been through some tragic moments, such as the 2003 miscarriage that dragged her down a 'dark period' of addictions.
If there is one thing that makes Guzman feel proud, it's having given some meaning to the 'craziness and rebellion' that has always infused her life.
'For me the key is to give my all onstage,' she said. 'I sweat my butt off and give myself heart and soul. Onstage I have found many reasons to be alive. There I find some sense in my craziness and discover why I am the way I am. It's all fun to me and I feel like a fish in water,' she said.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Buddhist Temple Workers Cant Afford Worship in Sri Lanka

KELANIYA, SRI LANKA - Nilantha Dias and his father operate a flower boutique in Kelaniya, a small town near Colombo, Sri Lanka's capital. The shop, which specializes in flowers and other items used for worship, is one of 11 boutiques that belong to the much revered Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara temple here.
Said to have been made holy by a visit from Lord Buddha, the temple is one of the most ancient and sacred worshipping places for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. It is situated along the Kelani River, six miles from Colombo. According to the Mahavamsa, a historical poem detailing Sri Lanka's founding, Lord Buddha visited this ancient temple during his visit to Sri Lanka in 523 B.C.
While Buddhists used to worship at the temple every day of the year, today worshippers and pilgrims crowd the temple mostly on Saturdays, Sundays and Poya Days - Buddhist public holidays that occur during the full moon.
The 11 small boutiques that belong to the temple sell items used for worship - including flowers, coconut oil, oil lamps and sandalwood sticks - to worshippers and pilgrims. Ten boutiques are situated close to the temple parking lot, while one boutique stands near the temple's front entrance. Eleven different businessmen run the boutiques, with each paying weekly rent to the temple.
"On Poya Days, Saturdays and Sundays, we get good income comparing to other days," says Dias, whose shop sells flowers. "In my boutique, three of us are working."
Dias, whom everyone calls "Jabba," introduces his father and a young employee, Tharidu Kumara, 19.
Dias and his father often work from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. to accommodate worshippers - and even longer on Poya Days.
"On Poya Days, the shop is open [until] 10 or 10:30 p.m.," Dias says.
In addition to running the shop, each store manager is also responsible for paying rent to the temple. Dias says the money from the store he operates goes toward temple upkeep.
"According to the agreement with the temple, we pay 3,000 rupees [$27 USD] per week for the welfare of the temple," he says. "Our team has taken the responsibility of cleanliness of the temple."
But sometimes it is difficult to come up with the money.
"In some weeks, it is very difficult to pay 3,000 rupees [$27 USD] of our sales," he says. "I have to pay salaries for two persons. In my shop, another two persons are working except me. With our income and the current economic situation of the country, it is very difficult to manage."
Still, he says they're happy to do it.
"But it is our pleasure to pay that 3,000 rupees [$27 USD] for the maintenance of the temple," he says.
Kumara, the energetic teenager who helps Dias, stands outside the shop, calling customers in.
"Enna mal ganna," he calls, which means, "Come and buy flowers from our boutique."
Kumara, who studied only through primary school, says he joined Dias' shop as a salesman three years ago, when he was in 16. He works from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week - every day except Monday - and gets paid weekly.
"I get 700 rupees [$6.40 USD] per day," he says. "Except that, breakfast and lunch are provided by Jabba."
Born in Matara, located in southern Sri Lanka, he came to Colombo when he was young after his father died. He says his mother has done several jobs to look after him, so he started this job to look after her. They stay in a rented room close to the Kelaniya temple.
"This money is enough for me and my mother," he says, arranging a bunch of flowers.
"It is my responsibility to keep this place clean and neat," he says, while moving around the shop to arrange the worshipping items. "Otherwise, customers will not buy things from us."
But because Dias and his employees depend on their earnings from selling worshipping items to pay rent to the temple management and to support themselves and their families, they say that - ironically - they never get the chance to worship at the temple themselves.
The boutique workers spend their days selling flowers and other items for Buddhists to use to worship at the sacred Kelaniya temple. The sellers are Buddhists too, but they say that because of their economic status and the hefty fee that must be paid to the temple, they can't afford to worship inside the temple they help to maintain.
More than 75 percent of Sri Lankans are Buddhists, according to the government. The majority of Sri Lankan Buddhists go to temple and worship on the Poya Day of every month.
The national poverty line in Sri Lanka was 3,239 rupees, $30 USD, per person a month as of June 2011, according to the Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics. The percentage of Sri Lankans living below the poverty line declined by nearly half from 15 percent in 2006-2007 to 9 percent in 2009-2010.
Dilrukshi Hettiarachchi, 38, sells flowers in another of the temple's boutiques. Since joining the boutique's staff two years ago, she says she has worked almost every day from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. She says she earns 500 rupees, $4.60 USD, per day in wages, plus an extra 200 rupees, $1.80 USD, for breakfast and lunch.
"My house is in walking distance to this place," she says. "For the breakfast and lunch, I [must] go home and share it with my children."
Hettiarachchi says she works at the boutique in order to support her three children.
"I am the breadwinner of the family," she says. "My husband drinks alcohol all the time of the day and does not look after me or my children."
She says she is worried about her children's education. She says her eldest son finished his ordinary-level schooling but failed his exam and has since stopped going to school.
"My elder son was good in education," she says. "But I do not know what happened to him. I believe that because of our family problems, he missed his education."
She says she is working at the boutique to educate her two younger sons, who are in grades nine and six. Hettiarachchi, who completed her education up to the ordinary level, says she aspires for them to achieve their dreams since she couldn't.
"Because of poor family background, I was forced to stop my education," she says, then starts to cry. "I wanted to be a dancing teacher. It was my dream. I got a distinction for dancing."
She says she works for 14 to 15 hours in the boutique per day. Still, she says she rarely earns enough to make ends meet, much less to be able to take time off work to worship at the temple.
"It is very difficult to run the family by my wage," she says.
And after finishing her daily work at the boutique, she must fulfill her responsibilities at home.
"It is very [tiring] to do housework after finishing this job," she says. "The whole day standing and calling to people to sell flowers. No chairs to sit down [on]. My legs pain. But [at the] end of the day, I cannot sleep peacefully without giving cooked food by myself to my children."
She says she is happy to provide for them. Still, she says she wishes she didn't have to work so hard so that she had the chance to worship inside the temple once in a while.
"We sell flowers and worshipping items to thousands of people," she says. "But we are not lucky enough to go inside the temple and worship [with] flowers. I could not remember the last day when I worship [inside] this temple. One day I would like to observe Sil here. But it's a dream."
Sil is a religious ritual observed on Poya Days in which Buddhists sit and listen to several sermons by Buddhist priests on righteousness in an effort to enhance their goodness.
But Hettiarachchi says she can't give up a day's wages.
"If so, who gives food for my children?" she asks. "Not only me, most of these flower sellers do not go inside the temple. But Triple Gems may protect my children."
Triple Gems is a Buddhist blessing.
P.A. Nandawathi, 45, also works in the boutique with Hettiarachchi. Nandawathi, a widow, says she started working in the boutique four months ago to support her son and mother.
"Before that, I worked in a tea factory," she says. "I worked there in night shifts, too. It was difficult. So I left the job. After that, I sold fruits in the market. But I failed to get a profit."
She says she is happy to earn a decent wage here, but that it's not always easy.
"It is difficult to stand up [the] whole day and calling people," she says. "That is the only problem I face. [My] doctor has advised me to not to stand for long hours. But I cannot do this job without standing up."
Like Hettiarachchi, Nandawathi also says she doesn't have the luxury of visiting the temple.
"I have never visited inside the temple in these four months," she says. "On Poya Days, ladies of the age of me come here to observe Sil wearing white cloths. When I look at them, I feel I also want to observe Sil."
But like the other boutique workers, she says she can't afford to miss a day of work or the clothing needed to participate.
"If I do not earn the wage of the day, it is difficult to survive my family," she says. "I do not have clean white clothes to wear. It has to be spent a lot of money to buy clothes. So it is better to forget it."
The boutiques buy their flowers from wholesale flower sellers, who collect the flowers from areas far from Colombo, such as Chilaw, Kurunegala, Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapura, and bring them to Kelaniya.
Somapala Banda, a wholesale flower seller, delivers flowers in his minivantwice a week - on Tuesdays and Fridays- from Chilaw to Kelaniya.
"I sell 4,000 lotus flowers a day to this market," he says, adding that olu and manel flowers are also popular in the shops here.
But sales vary by season.
"I have a good profit in dry season, but we face difficulties in rainy season," he says. "We cannot supply the flowers to fulfill the demand."
Like the boutique workers, he says that he is so busy earning a living that he doesn'thave the time or peace of mind to go inside the temple to worship.
One of the Buddhist monks, who is a resident of the Kelaniya temple but declined to give his name, says that all boutique owners pay their weekly rental fee on time to the temple for its upkeep. But he says that the temple management doesn't have much information about the sales personnel in the boutiques.
"They are casual, daily-waged laborers," he says. "Some of them work in the boutiques for a long period and some of them for a short period. We have only the details of the owners. We do not know about their employees."
But he says he has noticed that they rarely come worship in the temple.
"According to our observation, most of these sales [personnel] are from very poor families," he says. "They try to earn some money for the [survival] of them. It is a very rare incident that they come inside the temple for worshipping. I am a resident of this temple for more than six years. Since then, I have not seen any step taken to develop the lives of them. It is needed to have a system to develop their lifestyle."
But he says the monks have no control over whether the sales personnel have time to come worship. He suggests they band together to improve their working conditions.
"If the sales [personnel] could form a welfare society, they could have [a] common system of work, wages, leave, etc.," he says. "Then they should have at least one day leave per week. But the problem is they are not capable enough to form that kind of society with their educational background. We also cannot intervene for that because the owners run the boutiques as their private business."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Now, listen to music made from the sound of radiation

A nuclear safety team in Sweden have teamed with composer Axel Boman and musician Kristofer Hagbard to make music from the sound of radiation - present in everything around us.
"Right now we know of 3,175 different isotopes," Georg Herlitz, who heads the project, told, "each with its owns decay pattern. We took the energy loss from each level and translated it into hertz, something like one kiloelectron voltage for two frequencies."
The result was phenomenal.
They ended up creating a web interface wherein you can create your own melodies that use isotopic frequencies-and visualize how radioactive energy moves.
Hagbard explained that he listened to hundreds of isotopes to find those that were artistically pleasing. In some cases, as with the Cobalt-60 isotope, he used an actual gamma spectra signature and converted it into an audio signature, and then incorporated that into the music.
"As far as we know this is the first time in history where radiation is translated to something quite tangible. It's a way of showing that radiation does not have to be harmful," added Liselotte Herlitz, who heads the nuclear safety team in Sweden called K
?rnkraftss?kerhet och Utbildning or KSU.
Boman and Hagbard are about to release a new album, called Radioactive Orchestra, using their own melodies based on the work, releasing August 15.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Computers for the Blind

Here is your chance to have a powerful computer with software
allowing blind and visually challenged persons to be able to join
family and friends, doing what they are doing.
Each computer comes complete with monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers,
and all associated cables. It also comes with preloaded software.
Software includes: Open Office for word processing/book keeping, NVDA
screen reader, demo version of Window-Eyes (will function for 30
minutes before computer restart), and 60 day demo version of ZoomText.
For a donation of only $100, the Texas Center for the Visually
Challenged will send your newly refurbished computer right to your
door. As of this morning, they have sent over 4,100 computers to
visually impaired individuals. Computers can only be shipped to the
United States or Canada.
Call Lee Mann at 214 340 6328 for full information. Please pass this
information on to other people who may need an inexpensive, fully
accessible computer.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman

bryan adams
To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - if she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman
When you love a woman then tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman then tell her that she's the one
'cause she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
till you know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Till you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
You know you really love a woman
When you love a woman
then tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman then tell her that she's the one
'cause she needs somebody to tell her
that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
really really ever loved a woman?
You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - you gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?
Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman? You got to tell me
Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman?

Gene McDaniels

Gene McDaniels, who was most famous for the 1961 hit "A Hundred Pounds
Of Clay" and for writing the 1974 #1 hit "Feel Like Makin' Love" for
Roberta Flack,
died (July 29, 2011). He was 76.
Details are sketchy surrounding the circumstances of McDaniels' passing
at presstime. Word of McDaniels' passing came to this writer courtesy
of his good
radio friend, Dick Bartley, who in turn passed along information posted
on the web site of Ann Ruckert, The Music Business Guru. According to
McDaniels had been residing in Maine. It's believed he died in his
sleep. On her website, Ruckert (believed to be in the upper right hand
photo with Gene)
said, "His wife, Karen, told me he was working until the very end. They
went to bed last night, he was full of ideas and new projects, and this
she turned in bed to wake him and he was gone."
The son of the Reverend B.T. McDaniels, Eugene Booker McDaniels was
born February 12, 1935, in Kansas City and grew up in Omaha. According
to Joel Whitburn's
Record Research, he sang in church choirs and attended the Omaha
Conservatory Of Music. According to writer Norm N. Nite, he joined a
professional gospel
group at the age of 13, played saxophone in his high school band and
would eventually form his own vocal quartet. McDaniels had at least one
minor single
release in 1960 with "In Times Like These" before hitting the jackpot
with a song about God building the world.
The late Luther Dixon co-wrote "A Hundred Pounds Of Clay" along with
Bob Elgin and Eddie Snyder. Dixon's songwriting credits include "Big
Boss Man" and
"Doncha Think It's Time" for Elvis Presley, "Just Born (To Be Your
Baby)" for Perry Como and many of the Shirelles' hits like "Boys" and
"Soldier Boy."
"A Hundred Pounds Of Clay" reached #3 in the spring of 1961 and was
ranked #15 for the year by Cash Box magazine. After his followup
release, "A Tear",
reached #24, McDaniels had his only other Cash Box top 10 with the #9
"Tower Of Strength" in the fall of '61. McDaniels had three more top 40
hits in 1962
with "Chip Chip" (#16), "Point Of No Return" (#32) and "Spanish Lace"
Although the solo hits stopped for McDaniels on the Liberty label after
1963, he was always into various music projects right up until the time
of his passing.
He produced for at least seven labels, including Capitol, Motown and
A&M. He wrote "Compared To What" in 1968 and it became a minor #96 hit
in early 1970
for Les McCann and Eddie Harris. The song made it onto the soundtracks
of eight movies, including "Ice Storm" and "Casino." McDaniels himself
in at least three movies: "It's Trad, Dad!" (released in 1962 in the
USA as "Ring-A-Ding Rhythm"), "The Young Swingers" (1963) and "Uptown
Saturday Night"
(1974). He recorded at least two albums in the 1970's, another in the
1980's and still another as recently as 2009.
Roberta Flack recorded the most Gene McDaniels-penned songs, including
"Feel Like Makin' Love," which was nominated for three Grammy Awards.
At the time
of his death, McDaniels was working with Mandy Bennett, an upcoming
In eulogizing McDaniels on her website, Ruckert wrote, "Whenever Gene
came to New York, the joint was jumping. My house was filled with the
folks who loved
him and there was a lot of laughter."

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I'm your knight in shining armor, and i love you
You have made me what i am, and i'm yours
My love
There's so many ways i want to say I love you
Let me hold you in my arms forever moreYou have gone, and made me search a fool
I'm so lost in your love
And oh, we belong together
But won't you believe in my song
(In my song)Lady
For so many years i thought i'd never find you
You have come into my life, and changed me more
Let me wait to see you each and every morning
Let me hear you whisper something in my earIn my eyes, i see no one else but you
There's no other love like my love
And yes
I'll allways want you near me
I've waited for you for so long
(For so long)Lady
Your love's the only love i need
And beside me
Is where i want you to be
(Want you to be)
Cause My Love
(My love)
There's something i want you to know
(Want you to know)
You're the love of my life
You're my LadyLady
Your love's the only love i need
And beside me
Is where i want you to be

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Alvaro Jose Arroyo

Alvaro Jose Arroyo
Also known as
El Joe, & Joey
1 November 1955
Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia
26 July 2011
(aged 55)
Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia
Salsa, tropical, Cumbia
Singer-songwriter, record producer, musician,
Years active
Álvaro José Arroyo González(also known as Joe Arroyo El Joe; 1 November 1955- 26 July 2011) was a Colombian salsaand tropical music singer and songwriter.
Joe Arroyo was born in Cartagena. At the age of ten, he was already singing in one of Cartagena's popular music halls.
In 1971, Arroyo had his biggest opportunity of becoming a nationally known artist. He was discovered by Ernesto Estrada, the bass player and singer of the band Fruko y sus Tesos and signed up with Colombian record label Discos Fuentes. [1]With the band he performed for ten years until in 1981 when he began his solo career leading his band, named "La Verdad" (The truth).
Joe Arroyo became very successful by mixing salsa, merengue, soca, kompa, zouk and other music from the African Diaspora in a unique style that has earned him the prefix of Sonero de la Salsa by renown critics and fans. One of his most famous songs is Rebelión (No Le Pegue A La Negra); It is widely considered one of the greatest salsa songs of all time.
Joe Arroyo left behind the stage many times due to his health problems. On more than one occasion, he was thought dead because of his abrupt absences from media attention. Joe Arroyo had to go through surgery because of problems with his legs.
He was once in a coma for 3 months due to his drug abuse. After recovering from the coma he wrote the song "A Mi Dios Todo Le Debo" (I owe God everything).
Arroyo died on July 26, 2011 after spending nearly a month in a Barranquillahospital due to heart failure. During his stay in the hospital his health deteriorated. The day before his death, doctors announced the singer was suffering from several organ failures and he was given his final sacrament by the local bishop. The singer died at 7:45 local time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Una viejecita fue un día al Banco Bancomer' llevando un bolso lleno hasta el tope
de dinero en efectivo.
Insistía ante la ventanilla, solicitando que quería hablar única y exclusivamente con el Presidente del Banco para abrir una cuenta de ahorros,
para lo cual decía comprenda UD., es mucho dinero'.
Después de mucho discutir, la llevaron ante el
Presidente del Banco, respetando el concepto de que el cliente tiene siempre la razón.
El Presidente del Banco inquirió, cuál es la
cantidad que UD. desea ingresar.
Ella dijo que $165,000.00 US y automáticamente vació su bolso encima de la mesa.
El Presidente, naturalmente, sintió una gran curiosidad por saber de dónde habría sacado la viejita tanto dinero en efectivo y le pregunto:
Señora, me sorprende que lleve tanto dinero encima, por ser mucha cantidad y acto seguido le pregunto: como lo ha conseguido?
La viejecita contesto: ' es simple, hago apuestas'
Apuestas? preguntó el Presidente, que tipo de apuestas?
La viejecita contesto: 'Bueno, todo tipo de apuestas; por ejemplo le apuesto a UD., $25,000.00 US a que sus pelotas son cuadradas!'
El Presidente soltó una carcajada y dijo: 'Esa es una apuesta entupida.... UD., nunca podrá ganar una apuesta de ese tipo'.
La viejecita lo desafió.
Bueno ya le dije que hago apuestas; esta Ud., dispuesto a aceptar mi apuesta?
Por supuesto, respondió el Presidente. Apuesto 25,000.00 US$ a que mis pelotas no son cuadradas.
La viejecita dijo: 'De acuerdo, pero como hay mucho dinero en juego, puedo venir mañana a las 10.00 AM con mi abogado para que nos sirva de testigo?
Por supuesto, respondió el Presidente, teniendo en cuenta que se apostaba dinero.
Aquella noche el Presidente estaba muy nervioso por la apuesta paso largo tiempo mirándose sus pelotas en el espejo; volviéndose de un lado para otro, una y otra vez. Se hizo un riguroso examen y quedo absolutamente convencido de que sus pelotas no eran cuadradas y que ganaría la apuesta.
A la mañana siguiente a las 10:00 en punto, la viejecita apareció con su Abogado en la Oficina del Presidente. Hizo las pertinentes presentaciones y repitió la apuesta de 25,000.00 US$ a que las pelotas del Presidente son cuadradas.
El Presidente acepto nuevamente la apuesta y la viejecita le pidió que se bajara los pantalones para mostrar sus pelotas.
El Presidente se bajo sus pantalones y la viejita se acerco y miro sus pelotas detenidamente y le pregunto tímidamente si las podía tocar; expresando: tenga UD., en cuenta que es mucho dinero y debo cerciorarme.
Bien de acuerdo, dijo el Presidente convencido, 25,000.00 US$ es mucho dinero y comprendo que quiera estar absolutamente segura'.
La viejita se acerco al Presidente y agarrándole empezó a palpar sus bolas; paralelo a lo cual el Presidente se dio cuenta de que el Abogado estaba golpeándose la cabeza contra la pared.
El Presidente pregunto a la viejita: y ahora que le pasa a su Abogado?
Ella contesto 'Nada, solo que he apostado con el 100,000.00 US$ a que hoy a las 10:00 de la mañana tendría las pelotas del Presidente de Bancomer en mis manos'.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

circulos en la carcel

Dos amigos estaban fumando marihuana cuando fueron agarrados por la policía.
En el día del juicio, el Juez estaba de buen humor y les dijo:
- Parecen buenas personas; les quiero dar una oportunidad, en vez de ir a la cárcel, ustedes tienen que demostrar a las personas el terrible mal de las drogas y convencerlas que las dejen.
-Deberán regresar a mi tribunal en una semana porque quiero saber cuántas personas fueron convencidas.
A la semana siguiente, los dos amigos regresaron al tribunal y el Juez le pregunto al primero:
-¿Cómo te fue?
Excelente Su Honorabilísimo, convencí a 17 personas que dejen las drogas para siempre.
-¡Bien! Cuéntame, ¿cómo los convenciste?
Usé un diagrama Su Honorabilidad, dibujé estos 2 círculos:
O o
y les dije que el primer círculo es el cerebro antes de usar drogas y el segundo después de usarlas.
-¡Muy bien! aplaudió el Juez; y volteándose al amigo le preguntó: Y a ti, ¿cómo te fue?
Su Merced, convencí a 284 personas
-El Juez casi se cae de su silla, ¿284 PERSONAS? ¿Cómo lo lograste?
También usé diagramas, les dibujé 2 círculos:
o O
y apuntando al primer círculo les dije: Este es tu culito antes de entrar a la carcel...