Sunday, April 17, 2016

Not Just Words

When the Lord said: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." Those are not just words. God has given all of us certain abilities, skills, talents and more (also known as gifts) that need to be developed and exercised for His kingdom and for His purpose. God has already positioned some of us to begin a "good work that is well pleasing in His sight" to perform in His Harvest. In almost every profession you can think of, the need for it exists in the Lord's harvest. Think of it! What would happen if professional ministries, businesses, services and etc., within the Lord's harvest were established and God's people supported one another, we would have established a new world economy – built on God’s principles. If “Impostors” tried to sneak in the Lord's Kingdom (here on Earth) and set up shop, God has already equipped us with a spirit to discern other false and deceiving spirits. Instead of taking and giving our resources to people who do not believe in our God, we should learn to be of a mindset, to channel our resources and support those within God's kingdom. Customers and clients would be considered as brothers and sisters and treated as such. God has already given us guiding principles on how we are to conduct ourselves with each other within His family. You don't have to look too far to see the chaos and trappings of the world’s way of doing business. And those of us who see and desire the extravagances of the world, we should remember the Scriptures says: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Mt 6:33) Don't give up! Pursue your dreams. Just focus your attention on God’s Kingdom right here on earth and fulfill your destiny.

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