Saturday, October 31, 2015

"You need to stop comparing yourself to other people."

Some people are great singers, some are really smart and others are great athletes. But none of them are, or ever could be you. You are one of a kind. So stop comparing yourself to other people. You can't be them any more than they can be you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Sleep and rest are all part of the divine order."

Don't make your waking life and responsibilities so important that you neglect the very real benefits of sleep, rest, and dreaming. The night is your time of restoration. It is essential. God made both day and night for a reason.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

"You are perfect as you are."

God doesn't create faulty life. No. Everything created by God is perfect, and so are you. So stop driving yourself mad with endless ways to improve, and just accept the glory of your being as is.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My God is good!

My God is good: His love is unending&His mercies are new. He never grows tired or weary and His grace is sufficient. He opens doors no one can shut&He makes a way where there seems to be no way. Some may try to do it on their own, but I have learned that He can do it better than me, in perfect timing, &with perfect perspective, so why wouldn't i walk with Him, follow Him, let Him lead? What a joy it is to walk with Him.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"When the world tries to tear you down"

When the world tries to tear you down, Jesus is trying to build you up. When people point out your failures and weaknesses, He points to your potential and promises His strength when you are weak. Others attack, He protects....He is on your side and He counters all the negative that happens around still and listen, He is with you and He is for you.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

"If God is for you"

If God is for you, who can be against you? Who can overpower you? Can fear? Can angry people? Can financial woes? Can shame? all these things God is bigger and better. God is more faithful and His love is stronger. No matter what you are going through, lift up your eyes to see the One who is with you, in you, and for you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

One of a kind

You are one of a were fearfully and wonderfully made. Don't let the challenges of life convince you that you are awkward when in reality you are beautiful and unique. Don't blend were created to stand out for Jesus.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

"You are wonderfully made."

Look at the world around you, the infinite detail and creativity. Unimaginable beauty surrounds us every day. You are part of that creation, materializing from the same artist that created sunsets and rainbows. Don't ever allow yourself to think you are anything less than wonderful.

Friday, October 9, 2015


God wants you to know that Jesus is interceding for you right now. Life hasn't always been easy and hope has not always been easy to see, but He has always been with you and His promises to you are still true. He will bring peace in difficult circumstances. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. He will bring good out of even the worst circumstances. He is with you, for you, in you and hasn't given up on you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"You will be rewarded for your kindness."

When you are kind to someone, you set in motion a chain of events that makes each life it touches a little bit better. One by one, that act of kindness is paid forward ... till one day it comes back to you multiplied.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"Every time you pretend to love, you impoverish yourself more and more."

Love has great potential to enrich your life. But if you are just playing a role, pretending to love, it's only going to poison you. Because you are teaching yourself that it's just a game, and slowly but surely you will lose the capacity to open in love.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

5 Signs You Were Raised By Helicopter Parents

1. You have to call Mom or Dad before making a decision. Cut the cord. Father (and Mother) know best, right? When you were younger, sure -- they prevented you from sticking forks in sockets, helped you fill out college applications and even had a word or two of advice about your new job. But if intense guidance carries over into adulthood, it could stifle a young adult’s decision-making skills, while giving parents more authority and expertise than is truly warranted. "[Clients] have so much trouble making decisions, so they call their mom, who has very good intentions,” said Mogel. However, this parent probably knows no more about this particular moment in history and how to make good judgements than the adult child who’s asking for advice, she said. "This is your big moment to make mistakes and learn from them rather than staying tethered, feeling dependent, resentful and crabby," Mogel advised. “Put down the phone, experience some discomfort and reflect on what you might like to try or to do." 2. You count your parents as some of your best friends. Make new ones. Of course, this is easier said and done, but consider this: According to a 2013 Clark University poll, two-thirds of moms and more than half of fathers say they have some form of contact with their adult child almost every day. In some ways, this is just cultural; NPR notes that the generation gap is getting smaller and smaller, as parents and children are more likely to agree about issues nowadays then, say, experimental Baby Boomers and their conservative parents in the 1960s. But this extraordinary closeness may be shutting young adults off to new relationships with people their own age -- friendships that could over time be a source of lifelong happiness and support. "Some of these young adults don’t have close friendships because all they have are their online friends and they are so close to their parents,” said Mogel. "This is the dark side of the wonderful closeness and friendship that a lot of parents and young adults have that nobody from my generation had." "Cultivate friendships and relationships outside of those who are easily accessed, comfy and familiar,” she advised. For some, that might mean reaching out to old pals we’ve lost touch with. For others, it might mean completely starting from scratch. Join clubs, community sports teams or meet up with Internet friends IRL to get going. 3. You resent your parents for their gifts and support. Ask yourself some tough questions. No discussion about millennials is complete without acknowledging the down economy they entered right as they graduated from high school and college. Even though the economy is now technically “improving,” wages are stagnant and people can’t find full-time work in careers for which they trained. Add this to the pressure of paying back astronomical student loans, and it’s no wonder millennials are, more than previous generations, staying at home longer and relying on some level of financial support from their parents well into adulthood. But for some, that support comes with too many strings attached. Ask yourself, advised Mogel, if the support you’re getting is worth your parents’ constant questioning of your life choices. "Do the money, goods and services my parents provide me... buy polite goodwill instead of genuine respect and affection?” asked Mogel rhetorically. And does this support come with “an unspoken but hidebound agenda of acceptable cities, neighborhoods, streets and buildings in which I should live; people I should hang with; style of workout or fitness program that I’m likely to stick with; most flattering style of dress for my body type; type of work I should pursue? Is this a fair exchange?" Alternately, are you relying on your parents for things you really should be able to handle yourself? If so, says Mogel, start doing what you can, now, and stop using “harmful parenting experiences” as an excuse to not grow, experiment or take risks. "Young adults may choose, consciously or unconsciously, to make themselves a living example of the harms of overparenting,” said Mogel. "They remain dependent on their parents -- for money, advice, networking, the washing machine -- yet resent them at the same time, in an adolescent way." 4. You feel incredibly anxious all the time. Seek therapy and consider exploring mindfulness theory. Mindfulness is a style of meditation that emphasizes being present and accepting ourselves just as we are. Practicing mindfulness pays respect to the anxieties and worries of the day, but robs them of their power to control our actions and thoughts. "Helicopter parenting means that your parents have communicated to you that without them hovering above you, you’re going to be in a lot of danger,” said Mogel. "So treat the anxiety as a thought, respectfully and neutrally, instead of as a truth on which you need to act." 5. You’re a perfectionist who is obsessed with credentials. Make a liberated, liberating decision. In a tough economy, it makes sense that people want to keep arming themselves with degrees and certifications. But this “credentialing,” which likely started when you were very young, could blind you to choices and activities that will bring you happiness and delight. It could also lead you to apply for law school even though you have no desire to be a lawyer, Mogel quipped. Adult children of helicopter parents think that every choice they make has to "satisfy the internal transcript pimp that the kids and parents and the school administrators have in their heads,” said Mogel. But what if you made a different choice? "Choose to do things that you find compelling or alluring or a tickle, or dare we say, fun,” said Mogel. “Try it, even though it doesn’t fit into the super-narrow path that you and your family have put your heads together to define as the only road to success.” Maybe this means following your heart and choosing that lower-paying career. Maybe this means spending a weekend learning a new craft or skill that isn’t related to work. In sum, Mogel's advice to tethered young adults is this: “Put down the phone or gently curl your texting finger into your palm. Invite your confusion or distress to have a seat beside you. Ask yourself if you’re confusing vulnerability with fragility, discomfort with danger, and consider a wider range of options than those within your parents’ zone of comfort or familiarity.”