Wednesday, October 31, 2012


1. ¿Por qué los refrescos tienen jugo artificial de limón y los detergentes jugo natural de limón? 2. ¿Por qué Tarzán estaba siempre afeitado? 3. ¿Por qué los Picapiedras festejaban Navidad, si vivían en una época antes de Cristo? 4. ¿Por qué las películas de batallas espaciales tienen explosiones tan ruidosas, si el sonido no se propaga en el vacío? 5. ¿Si las mujeres dicen que los hombres son todos iguales, por qué se preocupan tanto por elegir? 6. ¿Por qué las mujeres abren la boca cuando se maquillan los ojos? 7. ¿Cómo se escribe el cero en números romanos? 8. ¿Por qué cuando alguien llama por teléfono a un número equivocado nunca está ocupado? 9. Cuando inventaron el reloj, ¿como sabían que hora era, para poder calibrarlo? 10. ¿Por qué hay gente que despierta a otros para preguntar si estaban durmiendo? 11. ¿Cómo puedo saber cuántas vidas le quedan a mi gato? 12. ¿Por qué las mujeres con las curvas más aerodinámicas son las que más resistencia ofrecen? 13. ¿Por qué las cosas siempre se encuentran en el último lugar donde uno las busca? 14. ¿Qué cuentan las ovejas para poder dormir? 15. ¿Dónde está la otra mitad del Medio Oriente? 16. ¿No es inquietante que los médicos se refieran a su trabajo como ”práctica”? 17. ¿Por qué utilizan agujas esterilizadas para poner la inyección letal a los condenados a muerte? 18. ¿Qué hacer si uno ve un animal en peligro de extinción comiéndose una planta en peligro de extinción? 19. ¿ A donde van los del campo cuando están cansados de su trabajo y deciden “alejarse de todo”? 20. Si una persona con múltiples personalidades decide suicidarse ¿es un homicidio múltiple? 21. ¿Por qué los cementerios tienen los muros tan altos, si los que están dentro no pueden salir y los que están afuera no quieren entrar? 22. ¿Por qué “separado” se escribe todo junto y “todo junto” se escribe separado? 23. ¿Por qué en el “día del trabajo”, nadie trabaja? 24. Si la lana se encoge cuando se moja... ¿por qué las ovejas no se encogen cuando llueve? 25. Se dice que solo diez personas en todo el mundo entendían a Einstein. Si nadie me entiende a mi, ¿soy un genio? 26. Si nada se pega al teflón... ¿cómo le pegan el teflón a la sartén? 27. Si la caja negra de los aviones es indestructible... ¿por qué no harán todo el avión de ese mismo material? 28. Un parto en una calle... ¿es alumbrado público? 29. Si el congelador de una nevera se encuentra a no más de 10 grados bajo cero, y en la Antártida la temperatura ambiente llega a 50 grados bajo cero. ¿No podrían las personas calentarse entrando a los congeladores? 30. Si cuando como huevos me patea el hígado, cuando coma hígado... ¿me pateará los huevos? 31. ¿Por qué no hay comida para gatos con sabor a ratón? 32. ¿Por qué los Kamikazes usaban cascos? 33. ¿Por qué apretamos más fuerte los botones del control remoto cuando tiene poca batería? 34. El mundo es redondo y lo llamamos planeta. Si fuese plano... ¿lo llamaríamos redondeta? 35. Si un abogado enloquece... ¿pierde el juicio? 36. ¿Los infantes disfrutan la infancia tanto como los adultos el adulterio? 37. Si infancia es la etapa de los infantes, adulterio es la etapa de los adultos?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico January 1935,, Cheito Gonzalez was an important figure in the world of bolero music in Puerto Rico. From an early age, Gonzalez demonstrated great musical talent and was performing on radio shows in his teens. At that time, he also suffered a disfiguring accident that resulted in the loss of his left eye. The accident and deformity greatly affected Gonzalez his whole life. His professional career took hold when he joined the Trio América in Puerto Rico, leaving for New York by 1950. His successful career spanned several other bands and trios, including the Trio Santurce, Trio Murcianos and the Trio San Juan, with which he recorded many albums until his departure in 1958. Gonzalez then went on to join Los Tres Reyes, replacing Hernando Avilés, formerly of Trio Los Panchos. He stayed with the trio for little more than one year before he returned to Puerto Rico only to return to the United States, where he died in 1962. The short but illustrious career left an indelible mark on the music of Puerto Rico, with songs such as Una noche más, Fruto amargo and Diez lágrimas, written by Guarionex Gonzalez. He was remembered by many and honored in 1985 by bolero and pop singer, Danny Rivera, who recorded the two disc, Asi Cantaba Cheito Gonzalez, featuring the music which made Gonzalez famous and loved, such as Cuando Vuelvas. Although it was not a great commercial success, Rivera also included other boleros performed by Gonzalez in another album: En Vivo Desde El Carnegie Hall, released in 1999.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Johnny Albino/BIO

Johnny Albino (born December 19, 1919) is a Puerto Rican bolero singer, born in Yauco. Albino played and sang through his youth years. It wasn't until years later, however, that he would get a chance to sing as part of an organized act. Albino joined the United States Army during World War II, where he formed a quartet and was allowed to sing for his fellow soldiers. In 1946, Albino performed in a "trio" for the first time. Later on, he would become a member and lead voice of the Trio San Juan, which went on to become an internationally acclaimed group. Trio San Juan was rivaled at the time by the Trio Los Panchos for popularity. Ironically, Albino later on left "Trio San Juan" and joined "Los Panchos", as the leading voice, replacing another legendary trio singer, Julito Rodriguez. Albino joined "Los Panchos" in 1958 and he remained there until 1968. The group became famous across the world, and Albino toured the United States, Europe and Japan. With "Los Panchos", he recorded to Japanese albums, and he also performed alongside many superstars, such as Johnny Carson, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and others. Albino left "Los Panchos" in the middle of various disputes and internal group problems, culminating in a lawsuit by the management of Los Panchos against Albino for breach of contract, as well as a countersuit by Albino. Part of the settlement agreement consisted of Albino relinquishing all royalties to recordings made by Los Panchos and a stipulation for him never to record or perform any of the group's songs.[1]He then went on to form, or become a member of many famous Puerto Rican trios. Notably, Miguel Poventud whose participation in the album "Los Panchos by Special Request" are a compilation of love songs recorded in English for CBS. "El Trio Los Panchos Historia y Cronica" by Pablo Mareial Ortiz Ramos p.263. Also, "Grandes Exitos de Johnny Albino con Los Panchos" DHIT 2093.2 06/21/2005 is his main performance with Miguel Poventud on "requinto" (guitar) and voice accompaniment. His career spans over 300 albums & CD'S.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Luisito Benjamín/BIO

Luisito Benjamín nació en Yabucoa, Puerto Rico el 4 de Diciembre de 1922, fue su padre Don Adrian Benjamín, a la sazón de director de orquestas, quien lo inicio en el estudio de la música, aprendió a tocar piano, clarinete, saxofón, flauta e instrumentos de cuerda. En Resumen, Luisito tocaba casi todos los instrumentos musicales, no obstante fue el piano con el que se destaco y al cual dedico todo su empeño durante toda su vida. Tan es así que le conoció como uno de los grandes pianistas del genero popular. Debuto como profesional con la orquesta Caribbean Kids, que dirigía su padre. Alos 19 años ra miembro de la famosa orquesta Armando y su Jack`s Band. Durante la segunda guerra mundial fue reclutado por le ejercito de los EEUU. Durante su estadía en dicho ejercito y dado su grandes conocimientos musicales fue asignado al entretenimiento de la tropas, en diferentes puntos del caribe. Además dirigió la orquesta de baile del Fuerte Brooke en San Juan de Puerto Rico. En 1947 cuando Cesar Concepción formo su famosísima orquesta para inagurar el New Yorker Club en la capital de Puerto Rico, Luisito hizo parte como pianista y arreglista. El 29 de Diciembre de 1949, participo como pianista de la orquesta de Miguelito Valdes en la inauguración del Hotel Caribe Milton. Los clientes de muchos hoteles de lujo como El Convento, El Ponce Intercontinental y El Sheratondisfrutaron del arte de este magnifico pianista. Sus apariciones en la radio, teatro, y en la televisión fueron bastante numerosas, en ocasiones como director de su propia orquesta y en otras como solista. Acompaño con su piano amuchas figuras del firmamento musical nacional e internacional. Cabe señalar, que en una ocasión cuando Miguelito Valdés desbarato su orquesta, solo retuvo a Luisito Benjamín, para que lo acompañara en sus giras por todo el continente. En los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Luisito Benjamín integro orquesta de mucho renombre en el ámbito latinoamericano, conoció y se codeo con luminarias del arte musical norteamericano. Participo en muchísimas generaciones como miembro de diferentes orquestas, como pianista, acompañante y solista. Luisito Benjamín falleció el 13 de Julio de 1988 dejando un legado de magnificas interpretaciones para el disfrute de las futuras generacion.

Friday, October 19, 2012

MJ and Whitney Houston set to become 1st R n B hall of fame inductees

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston are to be immortalised with inductions into a brand new R 'n' B Music Hall of Fame. Plans for the official R 'n' B Music Hall of Fame Museum were announced this week to honour those who made notable contributions to the music genre, the Daily Express reported. The inaugural class of 2013, will feature 25 inductees, and will include Aretha Franklin, James Brown, The Temptations, Otis Redding, The O'Jays and Gerald Levert. A special induction ceremony will take place on May 5, next year, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

China becoming huge market for luxury products

France, Britain, Italy and Japan will soon be taken over by China in sales of luxury items. Luxury goods sales in China have consistently outperformed the global market this year. While United States retailers will still sell more of the goods, China should become the world's second biggest market. It is believed sales could top US$300 billion worldwide this year even though economic woes in developed countries have reduced demand for some items, including designer handbags, clothes, jewellery, watches, and champagne. Emerging markets including Brazil, Russia and India are making up for the shortfall in luxury goods sales from formerly wealthy nations where rising prices and mounting insecurity over jobs have reduced demand.

Friday, October 12, 2012

New robotic exoskeleton may help paraplegics walk and keep astronauts healthy in space

NASA and The Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) of Pensacola, Fla., have jointly developed a robotic exoskeleton, which someday may help astronauts stay healthier in space and aid paraplegics in walking here on Earth. Called X1, the 57-pound device is a robot that a human could wear over his or her body either to assist or inhibit movement in leg joints. In the inhibit mode, the robotic device would be used as an in-space exercise machine to supply resistance against leg movement. The same technology could be used in reverse on the ground, potentially helping some individuals walk for the first time. "Robotics is playing a key role aboard the International Space Station and will be critical in our future human exploration of deep space," said Michael Gazarik, director of NASA's Space Technology Program. "What's extraordinary about space technology and our work with projects like Robonaut are the unexpected possibilities space tech spinoffs may have right here on Earth. It's exciting to see a NASA-developed technology might one day help people with serious ambulatory needs to begin to walk again, or even walk for the first time. That's the sort of return on investment NASA is proud to give back to America and the world," he stated. Worn over the legs with a harness that reaches up the back and around the shoulders, X1 has 10 degrees of freedom, or joints - four motorized joints at the hips and the knees, and six passive joints that allow for sidestepping, turning and pointing, and flexing a foot. There also are multiple adjustment points, allowing the X1 to be used in many different ways. X1 currently is in a research and development phase, where the primary focus is development, evaluation and improvement of the technology. NASA is examining the potential for the X1 as an exercise device to improve crew health both aboard the space station and during future long-duration missions to an asteroid or Mars. Without taking up valuable space or weight during missions, X1 could replicate common crew exercises, which are vital to keeping astronauts healthy in microgravity. In addition, the device has the ability to measure, record and stream back in real-time data to flight controllers on Earth, giving doctors better insight into the crew's exercise. X1 also could provide a robotic power boost to astronauts as they work on the surface of distant planetary bodies. Coupled with a spacesuit, X1 could provide additional force when needed during surface exploration, providing even more bang for its small bulk. Here on Earth, IHMC is interested in developing and using X1 as an assistive walking device. Using NASA technology and walking algorithms developed at IHMC, X1 has the potential to produce high torques to allow for assisted walking over varied terrain, as well as stair climbing. Preliminary studies using X1 for this purpose have already started at IHMC. The potential of X1 extends to other applications, including rehabilitation, gait modification and offloading large amounts of weight from the wearer.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Noah's Ark : Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark ONE: Don't miss the boat. TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat! THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big . FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. SIX: Build your future on high ground. SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs. EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile. TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals ELEVEN: No matter the storm, there's always a rainbow waiting. Please pass this on to people you want to be blessed. Give it! Don't just get it! Most people walk in and out of your life, but FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lou Gehrig may have died from concussions and not Lou Gehrigs Disease

Baseball legend Lou Gehrig may not have died from the famous disease that bears his name, a Minnesota lawmaker has claimed. Phyllis Kahn has launched an attempt to force doctors to release Gehrig's medical records so that researchers could investigate whether repeated head trauma contributed to his illness or not, the Daily Mail reported. The effort comes despite opposition from Mayo Clinic, which holds the medical records of Gehrig, and doubt from experts, that the records alone would be able to prove the cause of the player's death. Kahn, a Democratic state representative and self-described baseball fanatic, said that the records "probably won't show anything." "But just in case they might it's ridiculous not to look at them," she said. Gehrig's death is commonly attributed to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a debilitating neurological disease that became known by his name after the sportperson's death in 1941. Kahn said she became intrigued after reading about a widely publicised study by Dr Ann McKee in 2010 that suggested a potential link between repetitive brain trauma in athletes and ALS. She noted that Gehrig had suffered several concussions during his playing career, in which he set a record for the most consecutive games played. Given that Gehrig attended Columbia University, he clearly had a good education and a lot of intellectual curiosity, Kahn said. "It seems to me that if he were alive he would be authorizing it," she added.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Please support Pandora

Tim, the founder of Pandora. I am writing to ask for your urgent help. An important piece of legislation has just been introduced in Congress that could end long-standing discrimination against Internet radio. I'm asking that you contact your Senator to urge them to support the Internet Radio Fairness Act. This bipartisan bill will correct the incredible inequity in how different digital radio formats are treated under the law when it comes to setting royalties. The difference is quite extraordinary. In 2011, Pandora paid over 50% of our revenues in performance royalties, while SiriusXM paid less than 10%. As a lifelong musician, I'm fully supportive of artist compensation, but this situation can't continue. Internet radio is bringing millions of listeners back to music, and is playing the songs of tens of thousands of promising artists who would otherwise never be heard. It should be given a fair chance to succeed. To voice your support for this initiative, please reach out to your Senator today and say you support the Internet Radio Fairness Act, bill number 3609. Senator: Kirsten Gillibrand Washington D.C. Office Number: 202-224-4451