Saturday, July 30, 2011


I'm your knight in shining armor, and i love you
You have made me what i am, and i'm yours
My love
There's so many ways i want to say I love you
Let me hold you in my arms forever moreYou have gone, and made me search a fool
I'm so lost in your love
And oh, we belong together
But won't you believe in my song
(In my song)Lady
For so many years i thought i'd never find you
You have come into my life, and changed me more
Let me wait to see you each and every morning
Let me hear you whisper something in my earIn my eyes, i see no one else but you
There's no other love like my love
And yes
I'll allways want you near me
I've waited for you for so long
(For so long)Lady
Your love's the only love i need
And beside me
Is where i want you to be
(Want you to be)
Cause My Love
(My love)
There's something i want you to know
(Want you to know)
You're the love of my life
You're my LadyLady
Your love's the only love i need
And beside me
Is where i want you to be

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Alvaro Jose Arroyo

Alvaro Jose Arroyo
Also known as
El Joe, & Joey
1 November 1955
Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia
26 July 2011
(aged 55)
Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia
Salsa, tropical, Cumbia
Singer-songwriter, record producer, musician,
Years active
Álvaro José Arroyo González(also known as Joe Arroyo El Joe; 1 November 1955- 26 July 2011) was a Colombian salsaand tropical music singer and songwriter.
Joe Arroyo was born in Cartagena. At the age of ten, he was already singing in one of Cartagena's popular music halls.
In 1971, Arroyo had his biggest opportunity of becoming a nationally known artist. He was discovered by Ernesto Estrada, the bass player and singer of the band Fruko y sus Tesos and signed up with Colombian record label Discos Fuentes. [1]With the band he performed for ten years until in 1981 when he began his solo career leading his band, named "La Verdad" (The truth).
Joe Arroyo became very successful by mixing salsa, merengue, soca, kompa, zouk and other music from the African Diaspora in a unique style that has earned him the prefix of Sonero de la Salsa by renown critics and fans. One of his most famous songs is Rebelión (No Le Pegue A La Negra); It is widely considered one of the greatest salsa songs of all time.
Joe Arroyo left behind the stage many times due to his health problems. On more than one occasion, he was thought dead because of his abrupt absences from media attention. Joe Arroyo had to go through surgery because of problems with his legs.
He was once in a coma for 3 months due to his drug abuse. After recovering from the coma he wrote the song "A Mi Dios Todo Le Debo" (I owe God everything).
Arroyo died on July 26, 2011 after spending nearly a month in a Barranquillahospital due to heart failure. During his stay in the hospital his health deteriorated. The day before his death, doctors announced the singer was suffering from several organ failures and he was given his final sacrament by the local bishop. The singer died at 7:45 local time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Una viejecita fue un día al Banco Bancomer' llevando un bolso lleno hasta el tope
de dinero en efectivo.
Insistía ante la ventanilla, solicitando que quería hablar única y exclusivamente con el Presidente del Banco para abrir una cuenta de ahorros,
para lo cual decía comprenda UD., es mucho dinero'.
Después de mucho discutir, la llevaron ante el
Presidente del Banco, respetando el concepto de que el cliente tiene siempre la razón.
El Presidente del Banco inquirió, cuál es la
cantidad que UD. desea ingresar.
Ella dijo que $165,000.00 US y automáticamente vació su bolso encima de la mesa.
El Presidente, naturalmente, sintió una gran curiosidad por saber de dónde habría sacado la viejita tanto dinero en efectivo y le pregunto:
Señora, me sorprende que lleve tanto dinero encima, por ser mucha cantidad y acto seguido le pregunto: como lo ha conseguido?
La viejecita contesto: ' es simple, hago apuestas'
Apuestas? preguntó el Presidente, que tipo de apuestas?
La viejecita contesto: 'Bueno, todo tipo de apuestas; por ejemplo le apuesto a UD., $25,000.00 US a que sus pelotas son cuadradas!'
El Presidente soltó una carcajada y dijo: 'Esa es una apuesta entupida.... UD., nunca podrá ganar una apuesta de ese tipo'.
La viejecita lo desafió.
Bueno ya le dije que hago apuestas; esta Ud., dispuesto a aceptar mi apuesta?
Por supuesto, respondió el Presidente. Apuesto 25,000.00 US$ a que mis pelotas no son cuadradas.
La viejecita dijo: 'De acuerdo, pero como hay mucho dinero en juego, puedo venir mañana a las 10.00 AM con mi abogado para que nos sirva de testigo?
Por supuesto, respondió el Presidente, teniendo en cuenta que se apostaba dinero.
Aquella noche el Presidente estaba muy nervioso por la apuesta paso largo tiempo mirándose sus pelotas en el espejo; volviéndose de un lado para otro, una y otra vez. Se hizo un riguroso examen y quedo absolutamente convencido de que sus pelotas no eran cuadradas y que ganaría la apuesta.
A la mañana siguiente a las 10:00 en punto, la viejecita apareció con su Abogado en la Oficina del Presidente. Hizo las pertinentes presentaciones y repitió la apuesta de 25,000.00 US$ a que las pelotas del Presidente son cuadradas.
El Presidente acepto nuevamente la apuesta y la viejecita le pidió que se bajara los pantalones para mostrar sus pelotas.
El Presidente se bajo sus pantalones y la viejita se acerco y miro sus pelotas detenidamente y le pregunto tímidamente si las podía tocar; expresando: tenga UD., en cuenta que es mucho dinero y debo cerciorarme.
Bien de acuerdo, dijo el Presidente convencido, 25,000.00 US$ es mucho dinero y comprendo que quiera estar absolutamente segura'.
La viejita se acerco al Presidente y agarrándole empezó a palpar sus bolas; paralelo a lo cual el Presidente se dio cuenta de que el Abogado estaba golpeándose la cabeza contra la pared.
El Presidente pregunto a la viejita: y ahora que le pasa a su Abogado?
Ella contesto 'Nada, solo que he apostado con el 100,000.00 US$ a que hoy a las 10:00 de la mañana tendría las pelotas del Presidente de Bancomer en mis manos'.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

circulos en la carcel

Dos amigos estaban fumando marihuana cuando fueron agarrados por la policía.
En el día del juicio, el Juez estaba de buen humor y les dijo:
- Parecen buenas personas; les quiero dar una oportunidad, en vez de ir a la cárcel, ustedes tienen que demostrar a las personas el terrible mal de las drogas y convencerlas que las dejen.
-Deberán regresar a mi tribunal en una semana porque quiero saber cuántas personas fueron convencidas.
A la semana siguiente, los dos amigos regresaron al tribunal y el Juez le pregunto al primero:
-¿Cómo te fue?
Excelente Su Honorabilísimo, convencí a 17 personas que dejen las drogas para siempre.
-¡Bien! Cuéntame, ¿cómo los convenciste?
Usé un diagrama Su Honorabilidad, dibujé estos 2 círculos:
O o
y les dije que el primer círculo es el cerebro antes de usar drogas y el segundo después de usarlas.
-¡Muy bien! aplaudió el Juez; y volteándose al amigo le preguntó: Y a ti, ¿cómo te fue?
Su Merced, convencí a 284 personas
-El Juez casi se cae de su silla, ¿284 PERSONAS? ¿Cómo lo lograste?
También usé diagramas, les dibujé 2 círculos:
o O
y apuntando al primer círculo les dije: Este es tu culito antes de entrar a la carcel...

Soon, a 'magic mirror' to let you try outfits without getting undressed!

The things we all hate about shopping are the queues for the change-rooms, and having to juggle between hangers, clothes and bags, once inside.
Which is why Britain's biggest department store chain is preparing to unveil a 'magic mirror' that can superimpose new outfits over your reflection, reports the Daily Mail.
John Lewis is working with technology firm Cisco on the equipment, which it hopes to introduce across the country following a trial in its new Exeter store next year.
The 'mirror' is actually a sophisticated computer screen with built-in sensors and cameras. When shoppers stand in front of the machine, it scans their body to determine their exact dimensions for sizing garments.
The customer then waves his or her hands in front of the screen to bring up a range of menus in order to select from thousands of items in the chain's fashion ranges.
Once selected, the clothing is superimposed on top of the reflection.
The machine is even capable of projecting several items over a shopper at the same time, to show how a complete outfit might look with shoes and accessories.

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Personal Ad

A lonely widow, age 70, decided that it was time to get married again. She put an ad in the local paper that read:

On the second day, she heard the doorbell. Much to her dismay, she opened the door to see a Grey-haired gentleman sitting in a wheelchair. He had no arms or legs.
The old woman said, 'You're not really asking me to consider you, are you? Just look at have no legs!

The old man smiled, 'Therefore, I cannot run around on you!'

She snorted. 'You don't have any arms either!'

Again, the old man smiled, 'Therefore, I can never beat you!'

She raised an eyebrow and asked intently, 'Are you still good in bed???'

The old man leaned back, beamed a big smile and said,

'Rang the doorbell didn't I?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Todo lo que aprendí de mi madre

Todo lo que aprendí de mi madre‏
"Si os vais a matar, hacerlo afuera. Acabo de terminar de limpiar!"
-Mi madre me enseñó RELIGION:
"Reza para que esta mancha salga de la alfombra."
-Mi madre me enseñó RAZONAMIENTO:
"Porque yo lo digo, por eso... y punto!!!!"
-Mi madre me enseñó PREVISIÓN:
"Asegúrate de que llevas ropa interior limpia, por si tienes un accidente."
-Mi madre me enseñó IRONIA:
"Tú sigue llorando, veras como te doy una razón para que llores de verdad."
-Mi madre me enseñó a ser AHORRATIVO:
"Guárdate las lágrimas para cuando yo me muera!!!"
-Mi madre me enseñó OSMOSIS:
"Cierra la boca y come!!!!!"
-Mi madre me enseñó CONTORSIONISMO:
"¡Mira la suciedad que tienes en la nuca, vuélvete!"
-Mi madre me enseñó FUERZA Y VOLUNTAD:
"Te vas a quedar sentado hasta que te comas todo."
-Mi madre me enseño METEOROLOGIA:
"Parece que ha pasado un huracán por tu cuarto."
-Mi madre me enseñó VERACIDAD:
"¡¡Te he dicho un millón de veces que no seas exagerado!!"
"Deja de actuar como tu padre!!!!!"
-Mi madre me enseñó habilidades como VENTRILOQUIA:
"No me rezongues, cállate y contéstame: ¿por que lo hiciste?"
-Mi madre me enseñó LENGUAJE ENCRIPTADO
"No me, no me... que te, que te..."
-Mi madre me enseñó técnicas de ODONTOLOGIA:
"Me vuelves a contestar y te estampo los dientes contra la pared!!!"
-Mi madre me enseñó GEOGRAFÍA DE PUERTO RICO:
"¡Como sigán así voy a mandar uno a Ponce y el otro a San Juan !"
-Mi madre me enseñó BIOLOGÍA:
"¡Tienes menos cerebro que un mosquito!"
-Mi madre me enseñó LÓGICA:
"Mamá, ¿qué hay de comer?"" ¡COMIDA!"
-Mi madre me enseñó RECTITUD:
"Te voy a enderezar de un tortazo!!!"
¡¡¡GRACIAS MAMA!!!....
Madre solo hay una....

Las 3 "P" del hombre segun la edad

Las 3 "P" del hombre joven:
Las 3 "P" del hombre maduro:
Las 3 "P" del hombre mayor:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bareilly baby boy with 34 fingers and toes sets new Guinness record

Akshat, a baby boy over the age of one, registered his name in the Guinness world records for having a total of 34 fingers and toes.
He has set the record for having the highest number of fingers and toes and hails from the Bareilly district in Uttar Pradesh.
Amrita Saxena, the mother of the child, said it was difficult for her to believe that her son broke the world record, until a family friend convinced her.
"He (family friend) read on the internet about the baby born in China with 31 fingers. Then he said that my boy has broken the record of having 34 fingers. At first, I was not convinced at all. It was hard to believe that my son has broken the record. But later, he along with my husband and my younger sister registered the data in the Internet. Then I was asked to submit certain documents after which his name was in the Guinness World Records," added Saxena.
Doctors attending to the child informed the mediapersons that it was a rare phenomenon and diagnosed it as polydactyly.
"The person who is diagnosed with it is polydactylic. It is due to certain defects in the bone development of the uterus. The reason behind this defect can be either developmental congenital formation or chromosomal anomalies, which is due to maternal infection or drugs," said Dr. Parul Gupta, a gynaecologist.
Gupta further explained that this congenital physical anomaly could be easily cured by performing a surgery.
"Yes, it is absolutely curable. Mostly people go for plastic surgery. And sometimes when polydactyly is minimal, it can be cured normally, without an operation. And if there is a major problem, then people prefer to go for a plastic surgery," added Gupta.
Meanwhile Saxena was a little worried for her son's future. She aspires for her son to lead a 'normal' life and wants him to undergo proper treatment for it.
It is quite interesting to know that Polydactyly or polydactylism is also known as hyperdactyly. It is a congenital physical anomaly in humans, dogs, and cats having supernumerary fingers or toes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Scientists have developed a new high-tech gadget that can turn a mobile phone into a powerful medical tool that is able to detect heart problems

The 'Smartheart' connects to the trendy smartphone and converts it into a hospital grade heart monitor capable of performing electrocardiograms in just 30 seconds.
The device hooks around the user's chest and records their heart rate by measuring its electro-activity.
Smartheart connects to an iPhone, BlackBerry, or Android device via Bluetooth, allowing the user to view an ECG in detail, and email it to their doctor.
Instead of a traditional ECG, which uses several monitors stuck to the body, Smartheart has just one and the scan is completed in 30 seconds.
You can then view the ECG in detail and email it to your doctor. If it identifies an irregular or abnormal heart condition it will send you an alert.
"This device is a major breakthrough and could save lives," the Daily Mail quoted consultant congenital cardiologist at Southampton Hospital Dr Joseph Vettukattil as saying.
A spokesman for Telemedicine, which makes the device, said this will transform phones into a fully functioning hospital-grade heart monitor.
"Smartheart addresses the most crucial factor related to heart attacks - time. Within 30 seconds, anyone can record a scan and have it transmitted to their doctor," he said.
"It can be used anywhere, by anyone, and is a real breakthrough in technology," he stated.
Smartheart can be purchased for L300 online and the app can be downloaded for free.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Edison's early phonograph recording discovered

Scientists have recovered an audio recording, made by inventor Thomas Edison, from an artifact that historians believe is the earliest surviving talking toy doll record.
The artifact is a ring-shaped cylinder phonograph record made of solid metal, preserved by the National Park Service at Thomas Edison National Historical Park.
Phonograph inventor Thomas Edison made the record during late 1888 in West Orange, New Jersey. On the recording, an unidentified woman recites one verse of the nursery rhyme 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star'.
The voice captured on the 123-year-old record had been unheard since Edison's lifetime. The recording represents a significant milestone in the early history of recorded sound technology.
The metal record is significantly bent out of its original round, cylindrical shape. For this reason, curators at Thomas Edison National Historical Park were unable to play the recording using conventional methods.
At the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, senior scientist Carl Haber and computer systems engineer Earl Cornell used a 3D optical scanning technology, with the Library of Congress, to create a digital model of the surface of the record, according to a Berkeley statement.
With this digital model, they used modern image analysis methods to reproduce the audio stored on the record.
Once the recording could be heard, historian Patrick Feaster of Indiana University played a key role in identifying and dating the recording by finding relevant references among archival documents.
In November 1888, the New York Evening Sun announced that Edison's talking dolls had just been 'perfected,' and that 'nothing remains but to manufacture them in large quantities'.
No commercially viable method of duplicating sound recordings had yet been developed, so Edison hired women to make as many records as he thought would be needed once his talking dolls were put on the market.
Feaster said these women were arguably the world's first professional recording artistes.
--Indo-Asian News service

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Don Carlos this is for you!
Going to miss you.
You sure was one hell of a kick ass old dude.
But I know that some day we will meet again.
Going to miss how we would always disagree on what teem was better.
Yankees or the stupid redsocks.
But you know, the yanks are the best teem ever!
Will miss you champ!
Yankees for life!
Tu Amigo Por Siempre - Los Ciegos Del Barrio

Saturday, July 16, 2011




Two Dominican Summer League pitchers suspended

New York.– Major League Baseball (MLB) has suspended a pair of pitchers in the Dominican Summer League for 50 games each after testing positive for steroids.
The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball announced Friday that Chicago Cubs' Yomar Morel tested positive for Boldenone, and fellow right-hander Manuel Sanchez, of the Astros, tested positive for Stanozolol.
Last week, MLB suspended two other Dominican Summer Leaguers, Cubs right-hander Enyelberth Pena and Padres righty Miguel Severino. Pena also tested positive for Nandrolone; Severino was cited for Stanozolol.


Un muchacho estaba recostado en la cama junto a su nueva pareja.
Después de haber tenido su primera sesión de sexo, ella
se pasó una hora acariciándole los testículos.
Algo que ella parecía disfrutar enormemente.
Mientras él lo disfrutaba en la misma forma, se volvió hacia ella y le preguntó:
- ¿Por qué te gusta tanto acariciar mis testículos?
Y ella con voz tierna le respondió:
-Porque extraño los mios.

HUMOR - el bombero

Pedro, el bombero llega a la casa y le dice a la mujer:
En el cuartel tenemos un sistema excelente. Con la primer campana nos ponemos los equipos, con la segunda campana nos tiramos por el tubo y con la tercera campana nos subimos al autobomba y salimos. A partir de hoy cuando yo grite "campana 1" te desnudas, "campana 2" te vas a la cama y " campana 3" hacemos el amor toda la noche.
Al día siguiente Pedro llega a su casa, grita : "campana 1" y la mujer se desnuda. Luego grita "campana 2" y la mujer se echa en la cama. Yfinalmente grita "campana 3" y comienzan a hacer el amor.
Al cabo de un rato la mujer grita:
" ¡¡¡ Campana 4 !!!"
Entonces Pedro le dice:
¿Qué cuernos es "campana 4"?
La mujer dice:
¡¡¡ Desenrolla más manguera que estás lejos delfuego!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


El psicólogo le dice a la aspirante al puesto:
- Le voy a realizar un test final para su admisión.
- Perfecto, dice la candidata.
Entonces el psicólogo le pregunta:
- Usted está en una calle oscura y ve a lo lejos dos faros viniendo en su dirección, ¿usted qué piensa que es?
- Unauto, dice la candidata.
- Unautoes muy poco: ¿qué tipo deauto?¿Un BMW, un Audi, un Volkswagen?
- ¿Y cómo lo voy a saber?
- Hummm... -dice el psicólogo, y continúa: - Le voy a hacer otra pregunta:
- Usted está en la misma calle oscura y ve sólo un farol viniendo en su dirección, ¿qué es?
- Una moto, dice la candidata.
- Sí, pero ¿qué tipo de moto? ¿Una Yamaha, una Honda, una Suzuki?
- Pero si es una calle oscura ¿cómo lo voy a saber? (ya medio nerviosa)
- Hummm... -dice el psicólogo - Aquí va la última pregunta:
- En la misma calle oscura usted ve de nuevo un solo farol pero más pequeño y percibe que viene más lento, ¿qué es?
- Una bicicleta.
- Sí, pero ¿qué tipo de bicicleta?, ¿una Benotto, una MagiStroni?
- ¡No sé!
- Lamento informarle que ha sido descalificada para el puesto! - dice el psicólogo.
Entonces la candidata, medio triste con el resultado, dice al psicólogo:
- Aunque he sido descalificada, el test me ha parecido muy interesante. ¿Puedo hacerle una pregunta, en la misma línea de razonamiento?
Y el Psicólogo muy seguro de sí mismo, responde:
- ¡Claro que puede!
- Usted, señor, va esta nochepor una calle mal iluminada. Ahí ve una mujer muy maquillada, con un vestido rojo muy corto, contoneándose y moviendo el bolso, ¿qué es?
- ¡Ah! - dice el psicólogo - Es una Puta...
- Sí, pero ¿qué puta? ¿Su hermana? ¿Su hija? ¿Su mujer? ¿O la re-putamadre quete parió?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

¿Quién es tú mamá?

Mamá es ese cohete tan rápido que va por casa disparado y que está en
todas partes al mismo tiempo.
- Mamá es esa señora que lleva en el bolso un pañuelo con mis mocos, un
paquete de toallitas, un chupete y un pañal de emergencia.
-Mamá es esa malabarista que pone lavadoras con el abrigo puesto mientras le
abre la puerta al gato con la otra, sosteniendo el correo con la barbilla y
apartándome del cubo de basura con el pie.
-Mamá es esa maga que puede hacer desaparecer lágrimas con un beso.
-Mamá es esa forzuda capaz de coger en un sólo brazo mis 15 kilos mientras
con el otro entra el carro lleno de compra.
-Mamá es esa campeona de atletismo capaz de llegar en décimas de segundo de
0 a 100 para evitar que me descuerne por las escaleras.
-Mamá es esa heroína que vence siempre a mis pesadillas con una caricia.
-Mamá es esa señora con el pelo de dos colores, que dice que en cuanto tenga
otro huequito, sólo otro, va a la pelu.
-Mamá es ese cuenta cuentos que lee e inventa las historias más divertidas
sólo para mí.
-Mamá es esa cheff que es capaz de hacerme una cena riquísima con dos
tonterías que quedaban en la nevera porque se le olvidó comprar, aunque se
quede ella sin cena.
-Mamá es ese médico que sabe con sólo mirarme si tengo fiebre, cuánta, y lo
que tiene que hacer.
-Mamá es esa economista capaz de ponerse la ropa de hace cientos de años
para que yo vaya bien guapo.
-Mamá es esa cantante que todas las noches canta la canción más dulce
mientras me acuna un ratito.
-Mamá es esa payasa que hace que me tronche de risa con sólo mover la cara.
-Mamá es esa sonámbula que puede levantarse dormida a las 4 de la mañana,
mirar si me he hecho pis, darme jarabe para la tos, un poco de agua, ponerme
el chupete y acercarme el osito, todo a oscuras y sin despertarse.
¿La ves?
Es aquélla, la más guapa, la que sonríe

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jeter Homers For 3,000th Hit, First Yank To Do It
NEW YORK – Mobbed by his pinstriped pals after the ball sailed into the
left-field seats, showered by ovations from his fans, Derek Jeter stood
alone — the first New York Yankees player to reach 3,000 hits.
A fitting crown for the captain, on a sunny afternoon when it seemed he
could do anything he wanted.
He lined his first home run of the year at Yankee Stadium. He tied a career
high going 5 for 5. He singled home the go-ahead run in the eighth inning.
And, for good measure, he stole a base.
"Something I will remember for the rest of my life," Jeter said.
With a swift swing of his shiny black bat, Jeter jolted himself into
historic company, hitting a solo home run off Tampa Bay ace David Price in
the third inning Saturday. He became the 28th major leaguer to hit the mark
and joined former teammate Wade Boggs as the only players to do it with a
home run.
Jeter watched the ball fly as he left the batter's box and gave a big clap
as he rounded first base. Rays first baseman Casey Kotchman was the first to
salute Jeter, doffing his cap as Jeter passed by.
"Hitting a home run was the last thing I was thinking about," Jeter said.
By then, all of Jeter's teammates were already celebrating in the dugout,
raising their arms almost in unison. A special time for No. 2 — his second
hit of the game, and right at 2 p.m.
Plus, a win, 5-4 over the rival Rays.
He looked every bit like a spry 27-year-old with those bright green eyes and
an even brighter future, rather than a 37-year-old shortstop with his best
days behind him.
The ball, one of the specially marked ones put in play for the occasion,
disappeared into a cluster of fans a few rows beyond the wall. Christian
Lopez of Highland Park, N.Y., sitting in Section 236, emerged with the
valuable prize. He gladly gave the ball back to the Yankees so Jeter can
have the memento, and the Yankees rewarded him with four tickets to every
game for the rest of the season and autographed memorabilia.
"He earned it," the 23-year-old Lopez told the YES Network. "I'm not going
to be the person to take that away from him."
Jeter 3K merchandise, meanwhile, began flying off the shelves at the
souvenir stands. Hats, pins, shirts and more, all commemorating No. 3,000,
hadn't gone on sale until it occurred.
True to his nature of staying focused on the game, Jeter briskly rounded the
bases. When Boggs got his 3,000th, he knelt down and kissed home plate.
Not Jeter's style. But there was no way this moment was would pass without
plenty of fanfare.
Good buddy Jorge Posada greeted Jeter with a bear-hug after he crossed the
plate. Mariano Rivera and the rest of the Yankees were right behind,
swallowing up Jeter before he could reach the dugout. The bullpen gate swung
open, too, as New York's relievers came pouring in.
Jeter, still in the midst of a most difficult season, waved to the crowd
several times, then clenched his fist and pointed up to the box where his
dad and steady girlfriend, actress Minka Kelly, were sitting. His dad was in
attendance — his mom and sister were absent, attending a christening.
"It was tremendous," Jeter's father, Charles, told YES. "I can't describe
how I was feeling. We need a victory, first of all. ... Very emotional for
me, very happy for him."
All the Yankees greats left their distinct marks. Babe Ruth set the home run
record, Lou Gehrig became the Iron Horse, Joe DiMaggio hit in 56 straight
games, Yogi Berra won the most championships, Mickey Mantle launched the
longest drives. They all won World Series rings, certainly, with Jeter
owning five.
The 3,000 hits, that will be Jeter's legacy forever.
Whenever Jeter retires, a plaque in Monument Park is guaranteed to follow.
Someday, he'll surely have a monument, too. Because on the list of
monumental baseball achievements, this ranks right up there.
Along with 28 players with 3,000 hits, there are 25 members of the 500-homer
club and 23 pitchers in the 300-win club. And the Yankees: They've got 27
World Series championships.
Jeter desperately wanted to achieve the mark at home, and the Yankees only
had two games left in the Bronx before the All-Star break, with an
eight-game road trip looming to start the second half.
Manager Joe Girardi wasn't worried about Jeter trying too hard.
"He's never had a problem with pressure in his life," Girardi said before
the game.
As always, Jeter walked to the plate after a recorded introduction by late,
longtime Yankee Stadium public address announcer Bob Sheppard. His
intonation of "Deh-rick Jee-tuh" has been imitated over the years by
thousands of Yankees fans, if not millions.
Jeter smiled after his first hit as the sellout crowd of 48,103 roared.
The crowd sensed history was on deck when Jeter came up next. There was a
buzz when he stepped into the batter's box — Jeter loves to put up his right
arm to ask the umpire for time.
As the at-bat built, there was a hush each time Price went into his windup.
After his home run tied the score, Jeter remembered to honor his opponents.
He pointed at Price while many of the Rays applauded the accomplishment,
some of them coming out of the dugout to cheer.
Fans kept chanting and cheering throughout a celebration that lasted 3-4
minutes, and Jeter montages filled the videoboard for the next couple of
Far away, the tributes began. Longtime Yankees great Don Mattingly, now
manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers, saw Jeter's shot on a TV in the
clubhouse at Dodger Stadium.
"Only Jeet. Everything's like that with him," his former teammate said.
Having grounded a leadoff single to left field in the first inning — much
like his first career hit on May 30, 1995, against Seattle's Tim Belcher at
the old Kingdome — Jeter achieved the milestone in his next at-bat.
Jeter casually chatted with Rays catcher John Jaso when he came to the
plate, fouled off a couple of full-count deliveries and homered on Price's
eighth pitch. Jeter, in fact, homered when the future All-Star lefty made
his major league debut in 2008.
Jeter doubled to left his next time up in the fifth inning for No. 3,001,
breaking a tie with Roberto Clemente. He showed off his Jeterian, inside-out
swing to right-center for a single in the sixth.
The only thing left, it seemed, was a triple — Jeter has never hit for the
cycle. He settled for a tiebreaking single in the eighth. He tried to steal
again, but was thrown out.
Jeter was the first big leaguer to get 3,000 since Craig Biggio in 2007, who
reached it with his third hit in a five-hit effort.
Rafael Palmeiro, Rickey Henderson and Cal Ripken were the previous players
to get there.
There was a time when some wondered whether Jeter would have a chance to
break Pete Rose's career record of 4,256 hits. Jeter, in fact, was eight
days younger than Rose when he got to 3,000.
But Jeter has been slowing down. He came into the game hitting only .257
with just two home runs, and recently pulled out of his 12th All-Star game
to rest the strained right calf that recently landed him on the disabled
Jeter hadn't homered at all since May 8, and this was his first homer at
Yankee Stadium since last July 22.
Boggs, Dave Winfield and Rickey Henderson each got plenty of hits on the way
to 3,000 and the Hall of Fame, but were gone when the milestone came. Paul
Waner got one hit for the Yankees after he passed the mark.
Jeter said it "mind-boggling" when he first found out no Yankees player had
3,000, a fact he discovered while perusing the team media guide several
years ago during spring training.
Jeter is the fifth Yankees player to achieve 3,000 hits, but the only one to
do it while playing for New York. Hall of Famers Dave Winfield, Rickey
Henderson, Paul Waner and Boggs all got No. 3,000 with other clubs.
"Congratulations, first of all, to Derek Jeter on joining the 3,000 hit
club. It is an exclusive honor, achieved by only a select group, that not
many people can call their own. It is a monumental achievement," Boggs said
in a statement. "I had the opportunity to play with Derek when he was a
rookie in 1996, and I had no doubts that Derek would reach this milestone.
He is a very consistent player and he never deviated from his game."
Jeter is the 11th player to get all 3,000 with one team, a list by Stan
Musial, who had 3,630 hits for the St. Louis Cardinals, Carl Yastrzemski
(3,419 for the Red Sox) and Ripken (3,154 for the Orioles).
About the only people disappointed that Jeter hit 3,000 this day were the
thousands of fans who lined up trying to get tickets, many of them having
paid whopping amounts to get into Friday night's game that was rained out.
John Verbeek made trips on the New Haven rail line for two straight days
from his home in Milford, Conn., to see Jeter's chase. Instead, he was
headed back to the train station without seeing a single pitch or at-bat.
"I got the tickets on StubHub for a premium, hoping to see the game last
night," Verbeek said. "My daughter is a real Jeter fan and she raced all the
way in from Boston to get here on time last night."
"And now we can't get in today. We're very, very disappointed," he said.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

'Future of salsa is in Central and South America'

Puerto Rican singer and bandleader Gilberto Santa Rosa says that salsa has travelled successfully from the Caribbean to different parts of the world, but that the future of the rhythm is in Central and South America.
'Salsa has gained ground in Latin America that it never had before. Really, the hope for modern salsa musicians is in the south - Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia. That's where young people are responding to it right now,' the artist said in an interview with EFE.
Santa Rosa is appearing Tuesday at New York's Lincoln Center with a 1950s style big band, and afterwards will continue on to Venezuela, Colombia and Guatemala for a concert appearance with the show 'Damas y Caballeros'.
The so-called 'Caballero de la salsa' (Gentleman of Salsa) said that thanks to the support of Central and South American salsa fans, modern salsa has crossed the Atlantic.
Which doesn't mean that fans in the US and the Caribbean have lost interest in the rhythm - the problem at the moment, he said, is that it's not reaching new audiences.
'Salsa is always evolving, building bridges. It's not a question of tastes or quality. The problem is reaching new audiences. We have good young salsa musicians, so I don't understand why it isn't spreading,' he said.
At the moment Santa Rosa is preparing two discs, one of salsa and another of boleros, both as yet untitled and with no announced dates when they will go on sale.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Your computer could shout back at you in a few years

The computer crashes and we respond angrily at the flickering screen. But we may soon risk being shouted at by the machine we've just cursed.
Scientists are building a voice-activated device that can interact with people in a 'natural and intelligent way'. Artificial intelligence will help it become familiar with a user's voice, with the ultimate goal of understanding a human and speaking and behaving like them.
The five-year, 6.2 million pound project is still in its infancy but researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge and Sheffield believe the technology will have many benefits, the Daily Mail reports.
It could improve voice-activated computers, develop web search engines for audio clips, and create voice-controlled devices for the home. The latter could help older people stay independent for longer.
Prof Steve Renals, from the University of Edinburgh's School of Informatics, said: 'We are working to develop technologies that can recognise and generate natural-sounding speech.
'This could open the door to computer speech technology becoming commonplace throughout our lives - at home, at work, and in our leisure time.'
It is hoped the technology which responds to speech could soon be able to recognise an individual's voice and become familiar with their vocabulary, accent and vocal expressions, he said.
It could also be able to follow the flow of a conversation and to gloss over changes in background noise. The project is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
Thomas Hain, of the University of Sheffield's department of computer science, added: 'Speech technology is clearly on its way into the mainstream, but the key to its success is human-like performance.

1946: Bikini introduced

On July 5, 1946, French designer Louis Reard unveils a daring two-piece swimsuit at the Piscine Molitor, a popular swimming pool in Paris. Parisian showgirl Micheline Bernardini modeled the new fashion, which Reard dubbed "bikini," inspired by a news-making U.S. atomic test that took place off the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean earlier that week.
European women first began wearing two-piece bathing suits that consisted of a halter top and shorts in the 1930s, but only a sliver of the midriff was revealed and the navel was vigilantly covered. In the United States, the modest two-piece made its appearance during World War II, when wartime rationing of fabric saw the removal of the skirt panel and other superfluous material. Meanwhile, in Europe, fortified coastlines and Allied invasions curtailed beach life during the war, and swimsuit development, like everything else non-military, came to a standstill.
In 1946, Western Europeans joyously greeted the first war-free summer in years, and French designers came up with fashions to match the liberated mood of the people. Two French designers, Jacques Heim and Louis Reard, developed competing prototypes of the bikini. Heim called his the "atom" and advertised it as "the world's smallest bathing suit." Reard's swimsuit, which was basically a bra top and two inverted triangles of cloth connected by string, was in fact significantly smaller. Made out of a scant 30 inches of fabric, Reard promoted his creation as "smaller than the world's smallest bathing suit." Reard called his creation the bikini, named after the Bikini Atoll.
In planning the debut of his new swimsuit, Reard had trouble finding a professional model who would deign to wear the scandalously skimpy two-piece. So he turned to Micheline Bernardini, an exotic dancer at the Casino de Paris, who had no qualms about appearing nearly nude in public. As an allusion to the headlines that he knew his swimsuit would generate, he printed newspaper type across the suit that Bernardini modeled on July 5 at the Piscine Molitor. The bikini was a hit, especially among men, and Bernardini received some 50,000 fan letters.
Before long, bold young women in bikinis were causing a sensation along the Mediterranean coast. Spain and Italy passed measures prohibiting bikinis on public beaches but later capitulated to the changing times when the swimsuit grew into a mainstay of European beaches in the 1950s. Reard's business soared, and in advertisements he kept the bikini mystique alive by declaring that a two-piece suit wasn't a genuine bikini "unless it could be pulled through a wedding ring."
In prudish America, the bikini was successfully resisted until the early 1960s, when a new emphasis on youthful liberation brought the swimsuit en masse to U.S. beaches. It was immortalized by the pop singer Brian Hyland, who sang "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini" in 1960, by the teenage "beach blanket" movies of Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon, and by the California surfing culture celebrated by rock groups like the Beach Boys. Since then, the popularity of the bikini has only continued to grow.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Top Ten Reasons Why Men Prefer GunsOver Women

#10 - You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.
#9 - You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road.
#8 - If you admire a friend's gun and tell
him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.
#7 - Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup.
#6 - Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.
#5 - A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.
#4 - Guns function normally every day of the month.
#3 - A gun doesn't ask , "Do these new grips make me look fat?"
#2 - A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.
And the Number One reason Why Men Prefer Guns over women.....
#1 - You can buy a silencer for a gunn

Friday, July 1, 2011

NASA to glimpse adolescent universe from revolutionary instrument on a chip

NASA scientists hoping to get a glimpse of the adolescent universe may finally do so from a revolutionary instrument on a chip called MicroSpec. he new instrument, being developed at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, is a far-infrared spectrometer that will be 10,000 times more sensitive and many times smaller than similar existing devices.
The instrument is being designed to gather data of objects so distant from Earth that they no longer can be observed in visible light, only in the infrared bands of the electromagnetic spectrum.
In particular, this instrument, called a spectrometer, will measure the properties of the infrared light to identify the object's composition and other physical properties.
Just as impressive, the aptly named MicroSpec would be able to perform these highly sensitive observations from a very small platform-so small, in fact, that all its components would fit onto a silicon wafer measuring just four inches in diameter.
Now under development by engineers and scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., the instrument is a strong contender for future flight missions in astrophysics and Earth science, astrophysicist Harvey Moseley, who is leading the instrument-development effort, said.
"It's quite a new and, we think, revolutionary concept. If we can prove it, everyone will want it," he stated.
"By building an instrument like MicroSpec, and studying this specific era in the universe's nearly 14-billion-year history, scientists will get a very clear picture of how the universe developed into the kind of place that could support life like us," Moseley added.